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The APE codes - how important are they?


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A friend of mine recently registered on line to be an autoentreprenneur. She now has her Siret number but the main activity mentioned on the certificate is incorrrect. Should she be worried about this? She's coded as a design specialist or similar, when she just does cleaning!

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Not too important. In fact, the back of the registration form states that the classification is for statistics only.

Mine says "location de logements (68.20A).", which seems to exclude holiday rentals, but when I check my URSSAF account, it actually says "location de vacances"...

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  • 4 weeks later...
[quote user="sunshinegirl"]can you add several different things (and do they have to be closley related?) or will that in some way cause things to be more expensive ie two/three lots of charges?Thanks[/quote]

This is the reply I received when I inquired about adding a secondary activity a few weeks ago:

[quote]Il est possible en tant qu’auto-entrepreneur d’avoir plusieurs activités distinctes. Vous devez le déclarer au centre de formalités des entreprises.

Si ces activités sont de nature différente (par exemple: activité de vente + activité de prestations de services). :

- le chiffre d'affaires global, pour être auto-entrepreneur, ne doit pas excéder 80 000 euros,

- et à l'intérieur de cette limite, le chiffre d'affaires annuel afférent aux prestations de services ne doit pas dépasser 32 000 euros.

Vous devez également tenir une comptabilité distincte pour chaque activité.

Pour vous permettre d'obtenir toutes les informations utiles qui répondront

aux différentes questions que vous vous posez sur le régime de l'auto-entrepreneur, nous vous conseillons de surfer sur notre mini-site www.autoentrepreneur.biz.[/quote]

As an aside, I am having tremendous difficulty getting hold of anyone official who can offer useful info about how to add a new (secondary) activity after registering as an AE.

When contacted by phone, the AE info line people simpy read off their gumpf without offering aby actual help and the above is a reply to my "how-to and who-to" question.

The Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE-URSSAF) in Cahors has not yet replied to my email dated 20th May  ("Ceci est un e-mail automatique. N'y répondez pas : aucune réponse ne sera traitée.").

I have just tried to make the addition of the new activity online and the system somehow "adds" employees to the form, despite the NO EMPLOYEES box being clearly ticked.

My tel call to the CFE in Cahors has resulted in an admission of no training on AE and no software to train with, and an offer to post me the relevant form so I can complete it and send it back... [8-)][blink]
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Thanks for that Clair, it's helpful (although very frustrating for you,

I can tell. So I guess the lesson for me is to add the other things

straight away if I'm going to do  it?

I don't suppose you know, while on the subject, whether, if I opt to

pay tax up front, if by the end of the year I haven't earned enough to

pay tax, will I get it back?

Thanks again for your help, and goooood luck with your redtape trials...

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[quote user="sunshinegirl"]Thanks for that Clair, it's helpful (although very frustrating for you,

I can tell. So I guess the lesson for me is to add the other things

straight away if I'm going to do  it?

I don't suppose you know, while on the subject, whether, if I opt to

pay tax up front, if by the end of the year I haven't earned enough to

pay tax, will I get it back?

Thanks again for your help, and goooood luck with your redtape trials...[/quote]

If you want to avoid the sort of hassle I am having, it is probably best to think about all the aspects before you register (unlike me! [:D])

Tax-wise, only you can decide which option is likely to work out best for you. There will be no refund anyway.

You either opt to pay your tax as you go along (at the same time as you pay your contributions), in which case you have to pay based on what you declare (I have a nagging feeling about a cut-off date...[8-)]),

or you opt to declare your income on your tax declaration and you may end up paying more tax, depending on what other income is declared at the same time and your family situation (you still have to pay your contributions as you go along).

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I think you've answered all the questions I had, and saved me a trip to Urssaf, so thanks and hooray!

I earn peanuts so will opt for the paying at the end of the year tax  option -I did doubt that a refund would be forthcoming if I paid and then didn't earn enough, which almost certainly I won't.

Right, I think I'm ready for the plunge, wish me luck, folks...

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