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Complete France Forum

Finance for mobile home business

Grimaud dreamer

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My husband and I, along with our four year old son, are planning to move to France in the next 2 years.  Clearly we need to make a living, and as I have worked in France in the tourism industry predominantly in the mobile home sector, and the villa rental sector, this seems a natural choice of business area for us to choose.  However, I recently saw such a business advertised for sale and we were quite interested in it and running it from the UK as the current owners were doing.  It would then be the basis of our business when we moved to France.  However, it appears that no one will lend on such a business because there is no 'real estate' involved. I am unsure whether the financial climate at the moment is also a factor. 

Would anyone who is currently running such a business be able to give me any advice as to how we could obtain finance to either start such a business from scratch, or to buy an existing business?

Thank you


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It is very unlikely that any bank would be prepared to lend under the circumstances you describe, unless you have security in the form of tangible property. Even then finding a lender would be very difficult in the current economic climate and realistically is not likely to change in the near to medium future, as even when the economy picks up bank lending will be far more cautious for years to come.

From your Forum name, I presume that you are interested in the Grimaud area in the Var, which I know well. If this is the case you need to be aware that the rental season in the Gulf of St Tropez area is very short and in the Winter is dead as a Dodo, with virtually everything shut, which tends to discourage out of season visitors, unlike Cannes and Nice which have larger year round populations.

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Thankyou Sprogster for your reply.  I guess I will have to have a rethink, or build up the business slowly.  You are right in thinking that we are considering the Grimaud area of France, I too know it well as I lived there for several years,  I also lived between Nice and Cannes in Villeneuve Loubet, so know both areas well but the season in Grimaud area is quite long enough for me!!  It provides a really good living for friends of mine who have businesses in the area as it is so popular and very busy.  However, I would consider the areas around Nice/Cannes too....finance will always be the sticking point though, and with exchange rates being so poor it is a non-starter at the moment.
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