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Getting help with unemployment / unemployment benefit


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I am a 24 year old who graduated two years ago with a degree in Computer Science and could not find a job in the UK and has had to come out to France to live with her parents.

Can I claim unemployment benefit and can the French help me fins a job either here or in the UK? My level of French is basic GCSE.

I did not claim unemployment benefit before leaving the UK as I thought I would be able to get a job and spent my time going for interviews rather than contacting companies with no interest.

I feel like I am in a no win situation. Here I can't find a job with my lack of French but I could not be able to live in the UK unless I can get a job and that is made worse with my French address.

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You can't get unemployment benefit in France because you haven't paid any contributions. Nor can you get RMI because you are too young.

On the other hand you can register with the Pôle Emploi  but obviously your lack of fluent French will be a handicap.

If you had unemployment benefit from the UK it could be paid for a time in France, but you say you didn't claim it, and I suspect it is now not possible.

With your computer skills I suggest you spend time on scouring the Internet for vacancies and prepare an excellent CV for online applications.

You may even be able to work from your parents' house by Internet.

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[quote user="Limousin_girl"]Benjamin, I would definately put that but are you honest and put your French address down and how many employers will turn down your application for having a French address on it?


The basic issue with overseas addresses is that many organisations will not pay the flight-related travelling costs of candidates asked for interview: only UK travel costs. If you make it abundantly clear - at the outset - that you are willing to accept this restriction, then there is no reason why you should not be considered.



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Definitely go to register at your Pole Emploi. You can do all the initial registration on-line which makes it easier.

If you go to the website here


you can subscribe and start the process, just put your postcode into the box in the orange panel marked Inscrivez-vous and it will take you through the process. You should then receive an appointment by email. 

Once you have subscribed you can set up searches which will then email you available jobs. I set up a search which covered my area with the keyword "anglais" and actually managed to get 2 part time jobs. You need to go into "recherche avancée" to set up this type of search.

After my interview with Pole Emploi, I was sent on a course for help and support in preparing CVs and letters of motivation, as well as understanding your options in the French job market.

My French is also O-level standard (and that was a lot more years ago!), but I persevered and managed to understand/make myself understood. You could always try to find someone to go with you who can help translate.

Don't give up, even if you end up not using your degree to start with, having any job during a recession is a good foundation for moving on.


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