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Autoentrepreneur and Regime Social des independants

Mr Coeur de Lion

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Just received a letter from the RSI today talking (I think) about the management of my carte Vitale and includes a feedback questionnaire and also a form for me to fill in asking me which date to take my contributions each month.

I'm quite confused as they seem to want information to take away more money. I thought these payments were aready included in my quarterly payments when going onto the autoentreprenur site and declaring my income? I thought it was a flat 23% for everything, tax and medical. Or have they lied, or I have missed something?

And does this actually replace the annual CPAM form I normally have to fill out?

And finally, why can't they make this simple?

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Without knowing the exact contents of the letter it sounds to me like something we have come across ourselves with Judie's autoentrepreneur business, i.e. the various bodies like URSSAF and RSI are not really geared up to the AE/micro social simplifié system yet and are treating all clients as normal businesses.

Yes, as an autoentrepreneur your cotisations (and tax if you have opted for that and are eligible) are taken quarterly (with a monthly option in the near future) depending on your declared turnover. There should be no other contributions. However, if you previously had a business and you have changed to the micro social simplifié way of paying your cotisations (on which the AE system is based) then there could well be regularisations from previous years that must still be paid off.

If you are in salaried employment alongside AE then you will continue to deal with CPAM as well as RSI. However, if you have previously been 'inactif' then that status is superseded by your becoming self-employed as an autoentrepreneur and you will no longer have any dealings with CPAM. You should have transferred to another caisse affiliated to RSI which will deal with your health reimbusements and carte vitale. However the situation for those with no other health cover beside their autoentrepreneur registration is one of those unresolved matters - other employment and self-employment regimes impose a minimum level of hours worked or cotisation payments before you are eligible for health cover, and this has not yet been addressed for autoentrepreneurs.

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Did you register your partner as conjoint callaborator. We did and did not know that you had to pay €2800 per year.

We went to the CDM and had my name taken off the registration.

Not sure if this is the reason why but we did get letters asking for payment.

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