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cheque emploi (sorry)


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Hello Mick

The CESU is normally not meant to pay a builder



Entretien de la maison

Petits travaux de jardinage, débroussaillage

Prestations dites « hommes toutes mains » (bricolage)

Gardiennage et entretien et surveillance temporaires des résidences principale et secondaire

you interprete this in a very very broad way http://www.completefrance.com/cs/images/emotions/biggrin.gif
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As Maricopa says, you cannot be paid by CESU for building work.

The CESU system is designed for small jobs in the employer's home.

Building work is regulated and requires you to be registered as a builder and have builder's insurance.

[quote]Activités effectuées au domicile de l’employeur :

  • entretien de la maison et travaux ménagers,
  • petits travaux de jardinage, y compris les travaux de débroussaillage,
  • prestations de petit bricolage dites "hommes toutes mains",
  • garde d’enfant à domicile,
  • soutien scolaire à domicile et cours à domicile,
  • assistance informatique et Internet à domicile,
  • assistance administrative à domicile,
  • assistance

    aux personnes âgées ou aux autres personnes qui ont besoin d’une aide

    personnelle à leur domicile, à l’exception d’actes de soins relevant

    d’actes médicaux,
  • assistance aux personnes handicapées y

    compris les activités d’interprète en langue des signes, de technicien

    de l’écrit et de codeur en langage parlé complété,
  • garde malade à l’exclusion des soins,
  • soins d’esthétique à domicile pour les personnes dépendantes,
  • maintenance, entretien et vigilance temporaires, à domicile, de la résidence principale et secondaire;
Activities conducted at the home of the employer:

  • Housekeeping and housework,

  • Gardening work, including brush cutting,

  • Basic DIY maintenance
  • Child-care at home

  • Tutoring at home

  • IT support and Internet at home

  • Administrative assistance at home

  • Assistance to the elderly or others who need personal assistance at home, except for medical procedures,

  • Assistance to persons with disabilities including work as an

    interpreter in sign language, written and spoken language,
  • Patient care except for medical procedures,

  • Beauty treatments at home for dependent persons,

  • Maintenance, maintenance and temporary surveillance of the main home and secondary residence;[/quote]

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But cheque emploi TPE is designed to allow small businesses of up to 5 employees to take on extra short-term workers and pay them in a similar manner to CESU. This can be in any type of business, including building.

It has been discussed here before, but there seems to be a lot of confusion between the two schemes.


Edit: Although URSSAF has a web page about cheque emploi TPE here


It gives a link to a dedicated URSSAF cheque emploi TPE site, which takes you instead to a general site (TESE) concerned with simplified employment procedures and employment law reform


Which seems to indicate that this particular cheque emploi scheme has been discontinued and replaced with something else - quote "Créé par loi de modernisation de l'économie, le Tese se substitue au

Titre emploi entreprise et au Chèque emploi très petites entreprises

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Assuming that the work you are to do can be covered by one of the schemes you probably don't need to do anything.  You give your social security number, name address etc to the employer and that is it.  Later you will get info on what has been paid for you and a sheet telling you what to put on your tax form.

We pay our gardener this way (big tax advantage for us).


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On the slip to send in to Ursaff to show what has been paid the the employee it says put address and date of birth if social security number not known. Same thing if you use the online service.  We assume a social security number is then issued.

If you were in France with an E form then you do have a number surely??


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You lost me between "I have a employer who has given my building work..." and "I have no social security number..." [8-)]

I get the impression you have been dodging the system for a while now.

In a previous post over a year ago, you mentioned your children were about to start school and that a local builder was interested in offering you a job.

In another post six months later, you were also advised to register with your CPAM.

In another post, you say you have been in France for three months.

I don't know what to believe...

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Hi clair

The local builder said my lack of french was not good for him so I did not get the job...

I did`nt register with cpam ,I had the operation and had to pay with a credit card...

december 2008 I had been in france for three months

I don`t know what you mean by dodging the system ,maybe it`s confused with I don`t really know what I am doing...
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[quote user="dandaz"] ...

december 2008 I had been in france for three months

I don`t know what you mean by dodging the system ,maybe it`s confused with I don`t really know what I am doing...[/quote]

So ... 9 months on; how's it going? If you are still in the same confused state as you were, perhaps it is now time to sit up and take onboard some good advice re your health/job/life situation.

Bizarrely enough, and contrary to what you might deduce upon first look, this site is full of people who have 'been there, done that', and are not averse to helping someone who is floundering ... and is genuinely in need of help.

So, the big question is ... are you a flounder(er)or a 'put off forever what could be sorted today, or tomorrow' person?


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[quote user="suein56"]

So ... 9 months on; how's it going? If you are still in the same confused state as you were, perhaps it is now time to sit up and take onboard some good advice re your health/job/life situation.

Bizarrely enough, and contrary to what you might deduce upon first look, this site is full of people who have 'been there, done that', and are not averse to helping someone who is floundering ... and is genuinely in need of help.

So, the big question is ... are you a flounder(er)or a 'put off forever what could be sorted today, or tomorrow' person?



Also this site is full of people who cast judgements on people they think they know and have no answers to the original question and maybe just come on to have a pop..
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9 months on and no social security number?

Brit reg car and UK family allowance perhaps?


Also this site is full of people who cast judgements on people they think they know and have no answers to the original question and maybe just come on to have a pop..

Told ya...

another one ,nothing better to do....anymore nutters?
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[quote user="dandaz"]Hello

I have a employer who has given my building work for the next three months ,he has agreed to pay me cheque emploi....

What exactly do I have to do now?

[ie who to inform etc][/quote]

You had your answers on the first page of this thread. You also changed your job tittle from builder to gardener given that you were told you cannot be a builder on this scheme. You do not do anything when employed under this system, apart from provide your name, address, DOB and place of birth. Oh and declare it on your french tax return......but that is the easy bit, that will come in aready completed by the authorities[;-)]

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Sorry I did`nt realise these two were pertinent questions...

9 months on and no social security number?

Brit reg car and UK family allowance perhaps? lets not forget the whistling icon suggesting that I am probably on it...

Yes ,no social security number...

No , french redge car and no uk family allowance ...

wait a minute would`nt I have to live in England to claim family allowance or maybe commute my kids to british school everyday ,that is kinda why I called him/her a nutter ,unless he/she has found a way...[;-)]

anyway, I thought we had kissed and made up...
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You would probably be surprised at the amount of Brits that have lived in France for more than a year and claim UK Family allowance, I am suprised why they bother as the French one beats it hands down, especially for the Rentree allowance , given that most of the claimants have children under teenage years........just under 300 euros to get your child equiped with a few pens , paper and a bag to put them in[blink] oh yes I do know of a few of them, not necessarily know them.

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