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After three years three months on a contrat indeterminee I have been told I am to be made redundant (licenciment economique). Could anyone tell me what I can expect in the way of a prime de depart and the amount of chomage I will get. Any other comments, experiences and advice would be most welcome.


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There were some guys let go in our factory recently. There is a special proceedure to follow. I do know you receive a percentage of your salary something like 70% for 2 years and you will get the stat redundancy and you must negiociate for more from the employer. Obviously using undertones of I will sue you.

See a lawyer who specialises in employment law to see if you have a case.

And most of all keep the faith.
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Thanks for the replies. I had my interview today but to be honest I did not learn a lot more. I have a form to take to Assedic/ANPE if I wish to take up some form of retraining, I have 21 days to make the decision, but at 54 the thought of any form of training does not appeal. I was not told what I could expect in the way of a prime de depart but from what I can make out it will be one fifth of my gross monthly pay for each year worked. Not a great deal. I will keep you informed.

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