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over 70 years of age-can I use cheque emploi scheme and get tax deduction?


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BOTH my wife and I are over 70 years and pay tax in France,resident 9 years.

It has been suggested if I ask the bank for a cheque book-."cheque emploi service universal"-and register or whatever,so that I could pay for gardening work assisstance,perhaps cutting down of disceased chestnut trees etc. and house cleaning when we are unable ,as wife fell and has compressed bone in spine.

We do not want to work ourselves for anyone using the "cheque book scheme".

We were told if we paid someone who uses cheque emploi scheme ,then we could pay for example 10euro for gardening (our current payment/hour)with our cheque and send a duplicate to URSSAF.They will then add 5euro  and bill becomes 15euro ,which the tax office can give a 50% deduction of the 15euro=7.5euro which is a tax deductable at the end of the year.Maybe a larger deduction when over 70 years of age.

Is there any possibility to do this ?


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I see no reason at all why you shouldn't do this. In fact it is a very good idea.

I think that there is a thread which explains how it works:

The CESU system is designed to be used by individuals paying for

work related to their home.

Activités effectuées au domicile de l’employeur :
  • entretien de la maison et travaux ménagers,
  • petits travaux de jardinage, y compris les travaux

    de débroussaillage,
  • prestations

    de petit bricolage dites "hommes toutes mains",
  • garde d’enfant à domicile,
  • soutien scolaire à domicile et cours à domicile,
  • assistance informatique et Internet à domicile,
  • assistance administrative à domicile,
  • assistance

    aux personnes âgées ou aux autres personnes qui ont besoin d’une aide

    personnelle à leur domicile, à l’exception d’actes de soins relevant

    d’actes médicaux,
  • assistance

    aux personnes handicapées y

    compris les activités d’interprète en langue des signes, de technicien

    de l’écrit et de codeur en langage parlé complété,
  • garde malade à l’exclusion des soins,
  • soins d’esthétique à domicile pour les personnes

  • maintenance,

    entretien et vigilance temporaires, à domicile, de la résidence

    principale et secondaire;
Activities conducted at

the home of the employer:

  • Housekeeping and housework,

  • Gardening work, including brush cutting,

  • Basic DIY maintenance
  • Child-care at home

  • Tutoring at home

  • IT support and Internet at home

  • Administrative assistance at home

  • Assistance to the elderly or others who need personal

    assistance at home
    , except for medical procedures,

  • Assistance to persons with disabilities including work as an

    interpreter in sign language, written and spoken language,
  • Patient care except for medical procedures,

  • Beauty treatments at home for dependent persons,

  • Maintenance, maintenance and temporary surveillance of the

    main home
    and secondary residence;

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I think that if you are over 70 years you also pay lower / no cotisations.  (There is also a reduction if you are disabled, have disabled children  and /or are living alone and need help with day to day living).  Essentially this recognises the additional needs of these groups of people to have additional paid help around the home.

http://www.cesu.urssaf.fr/cesweb/ces3.jsp (bottom of the page)

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