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Essentials before we leave and to bring with you

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We are due to complete and move to our house in the Limousin in early August. Does anyone know where I might find a check list type of things to help me remember to inform all of the essential people here in the UK and also what paperwork apart from the birth, marriage certificates, etc it is useful to bring with us.

We have booked the ferry, cats have passports, LHD car has been purchased, waiting for quotes from removal co's (aren't they slow), packing and downsizing started (I think the local charity shop misses me if I don't go in there with at least 6 bags full at least once a week!)

This move has been a long time in the planning but now it is upon us I feel a little lost knowing what to do first.  Any help you can give to make this a smooth move would be appreciated.



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Thank you Tresco for the prompt response, I had trawled through various forums but couldn't find anything, I must be going blind as well as deaf.  (Note to myself - must remeber glasses and hearing aid and stock of batteries for latter).


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Some things are easier done whilst still inthe UK than calling from here such as:

Proof of your insurance NCB for changing to french insurance for your car,in writing.

Notifying Newcastle regarding your health entitlement i.e. E106 or E121 if you are retiring or for child benefit cancellation and proof in writing of doing so.

The Inland Revenue of your new french address for their future reference and for any old taxes you may have to pay still.

Informing your banks re accounts because once resident here in France you have to change the accounts to ordinarily non-resident so they can send your paperwork each time.

Getting your UK vehicle insurance cancelled with the maximum period they allow to let you get sorted here, usually 30 days I believe.

Your solicitors re change of address regarding wills made in the UK.

Doctors and Dentist to cancel your names from their lists so others may take your place where there are no current vacancies - only fair.

Don't forget to cancel accounts with gas and electric and telephone well in advance and so they can come and read the meters etc when you actually leave.

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  • 3 weeks later...
We moved three months ago, and i brought with me multiple photocopies of various documents; normal things passport, birth certificate, driving licence.    Its amazing how many of them i handed over to various places in first few weeks.    Of couse photo-copying is  quite easily available here but can you find o ne open when you need todo that essential copy?

Not sure if you have phone installed in france yet; if not arm yourself with a copy of the phone number (freephone) from the english speaking france telecom site; if you are all set up then dont bother, but if not it will take you some time to get on line, so you wont have access to the information you want.    Similarly if not all set up make one of your first purchases the largest phone-card they do; you can expect to spend some time at side of road in phone box, scratching your head in a demented way at the very fast speaking options as to which number to press for which service.     If you dont understand options press any  old number, thats what i do - person that answers normally takes pity on your efforts at french and puts you through to correct number.

finally; very large bottle of alcohol for arrival ; once pets are all fed, forget allthe unpacking (unless you have to put bed up of ocurse!) and have a drink - everything else can wait til next day!!!

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is definitely useful. It provides a checklist (in date sequence) of things to do and they can also inform your utilities etc. We did not use the second feature but found the checklist useful (although it is really intended for inter-UK moves).

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Add to list (although probably better to do this immediately after moving -to avoid problems with plugs, etc.), if your printer doesn't include a scanner, buy a scanner for making additional copies of your documents.  Over the years it will probably pay for itself (and, if not, it will be a lot more convenient than going to the copy shop).
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