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EDF / Local Technique

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My builder is telling me the EDF want fir proof boxing around the meters before they'll connect us. He's also said the want the Qater and Telephone meters seperated by similar boxing in. He's quoting 3,000 euros to box them in and provide doors/shutters for the meters for 8 units. Surely that's a crazy price. surely there's something off the shelf we can buy to contain these meters. I wouldn't expect to pay more than 500-1000 euros in total for the job. Any advice ?


Also EDF are giving us a September date for connection despite having requested it in April, on a supposed 10 week lead time. Any advice ?

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Hello again

I've never heard of this rule, although EDF is fairly "regional". if the meter is going on the outside of the wall of a building, they will put it into a plastic box (you've seen lots of them!). However, all EFD meters are remotely read, so are placed indoors, with only the remote unit outside.

Unless, of course, they are referring to a "builders" supply (a temporary one), in which case you buy a complete set-up (meter, RCD & box) for about 450-800€.

Can't imagine that your water company will insist on external, boxed meters & telephone meters are computers in the exchange!

Suggest you get your builder to look you straight in the eye and tell you again!


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Surely if this is the rule, then the CONSUEL not EDF would demand for boxes to be fire proofed and that is certainly not the case after an inspection to site last week. As Nick says, get your builder to check his facts properly. Our own water meter is boxed in green plastic inthe ground and is a new one and is a standard fitting.
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Is the Consuel the planning authorities ?

Essentially if my builder is telling me he and the electrician have spoken with the EDF and the requirements are firproof plasterboarding between the meters, and fireproofed wood or metal over the meters themselves I'm at a loss as to how not to hold up connection.

Do you know of a web link or something that might point me to some off the shelf covers for meters ?

The 8 units are a converted stable block with an archway between two of the units. The meters are in the archway for the water, telephone and the electricity.

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CONSUEL are the regulatory body who inspect the electrical installation in new/renovated properties where EDF have no supply connected already. They do a thorough inspection for a fee and then if OK, issue a Certificate of Conformité which in turn is presented to EDF to connect their supply. As the poster didn't give the info that it concerned 8 units in one building, there probably is a restriction on fireproofing as we have just constructed a wall with fireproof door in the local school boiler room to keep the boiler and fuseboard apart in case of any fire from either side.
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[quote user="TheNewPM"]

Many thanks Nick. It's actually the main supply to a development of 8 units, and they've insisted it's fireproof. So plastic won't do. I'm looking into fire treated wood.

So do you sell properties in France then ?


I suppose if I read the first posting properly....

Surely, you would just build a concrete box with a suitable external door on it, as part of the building? I can't see why you would need to do anything more complicated.

& I rent, rather than sell - but no multiple units.


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Ok it's gotten better and worse. The builder and I have agreed a reduction from 3,000 euros to half that for his partitioning/boxing in work. The down side is that the electricians want 7,700 euros for the 'local technique'. 8 electric meters and then connecting them to 8 units ? Surely I'm being ripped off ?
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