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We submitted a planning application for a large site in the North around February time. It was submitted by a French architect who has since been unable to get a response of any kind from the Mairie as to what's happening.

The Mayor had told is that urbanisme was on hold because the regional authorities were trying to decide on the allocations in the area. It's apparently been on hold for 8 years. Surely this can't be the case and surely when a formal application is submitted a formal reply must be forthcoming.

It's a hotly desired piece of land right in the centre of town and word on the street is that the Mayor and his friends want to buy it cheap and develop it. So I need the Mairie to decline my application before I can go over his head. If I go over his head prematurely it'll reflect badly on me.

Any ideas anyone ?

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The descision should (for a CdeU) be delivered within 1 month. However, this is not set in statute and if, as in your case, the descision can't be made, then they are under no obligation to make one.

Do you own the land? Did you buy it cheap? If the Mairie wanted it, they would have had the opportunity to buy it when you did (and you can't stop them). If you don't yet own it, then the Mairie will buy it from your Vendor (as they have the right to do), if they want it. You won't get a look-in!

In any event, planning applications are really the preserve of the DDE, not the Mairie. Have you approached the DDE?


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Nick, I've been told not to approach the DDE directly until a decision has come out of the Mairie with the planning committee. We've owned the land for 17 years, and my lawyer assures me that the Mairie will only get their hands on it over his dead body. The mayor actually seems to want his friend to buy it, so it's not really for official purposes.
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