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Autoentrepreneur: how long from télédeclaration to Siret number and attestation?


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I am helping someone whose French is a bit limited to register as an Autoentrepreneur.

We did the 'télédeclaration' with the aid of Valerie's excellent video at the beginning of February, giving a start date of the 1st March, but apart from an email from the CFE saying 'Votre dossier est en cours de traitement ' we have received nothing else.

How long can we expect to wait before getting an Siret number from Insée and an attestation for health cover?

According to the site : http://www.auto-entrepreneur.fr/inscription-en-ligne.php

"Vous pourrez démarrer votre activité

et commencer à vendre des produits et des services

dès que vous aurez reçu votre n° de SIREN

permettant d'identifier votre entreprise. "

Is this likely to be much longer? the ides of March draw on apace!

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To give you an experience: on-line declaration made mid-November for a business start date of 7th Dec 09... Siret/Siren received within a couple of weeks of the télédeclaration.  To date, no information at all about health cover, but I already have a carte vitale, so I haven't, until now, given it any thought.

Having spoken to various insurance companies to get quotes, I understand that without a Siren No. the obligatory assurance professionelle cannot be taken out, and therefore trading cannot commence.

Maybe you can look up the dossier on line, to see what stage it is at?

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[quote user="Âme"]To give you an experience: on-line declaration made mid-November for a business start date of 7th Dec 09... Siret/Siren received within a couple of weeks of the télédeclaration.  To date, no information at all about health cover, but I already have a carte vitale, so I haven't, until now, given it any thought.

Having spoken to various insurance companies to get quotes, I understand that without a Siren No. the obligatory assurance professionelle cannot be taken out, and therefore trading cannot commence.

Maybe you can look up the dossier on line, to see what stage it is at?


Thanks that helps a lot. I didn't know that it was possible to look up the dossier, and your specific example of the time-scale is exactly what I was asking for. [:)]

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Cough, cough sorry just blowing the dust off this thread.

Norman or maybe somebody else, could you please tell me how long it took to receive your attestation after registering your AE business. I must admit the health cover element of an AE business, if I decide to start one up would be my main concern.
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I believe that health cover is immediate, especially in the case of someone such as yourself who already has a Carte Vitale.

People who started from scratch, with all the need to produce Birth Certificates etc, found that to get the piece of Plastic could take several months.

Don't take my word for it though as there are other people here with much more experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, back to the original title of the thread (though I know it's 2 years on now!!), does anyone know how long it is currently taking from télédeclaration to Siret and attestation?  My wife wants to start trading mid-May so want to leave plenty of time.  Watched the video referred to above, very informative.  The only issue that concerned me from it was the choice between taxation PAYG or with rest of income (based on 29% of turnover).  I thought having read the English translation of the 2009 AE guide that you could only opt for PAYG if your overall income from all sources was below a certain level in your household.  Have they changed that rule since or did Viviene oversimplify that bit?

Finally, has anyone in the AE scheme added a dependant to their healthcare arrangements apart from at the application stage?  Reason I ask is that I will have an S1 form for my healthcare in France til Jan 2014 but may at that stage need to piggy back onto my wife's arrangements gained through her AE status.  Anyone know if this is relatively easy? 

Thanks for any insight as always


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