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Tea Room


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[quote user="NormanH"]Well tea and cake are flourishing a long way  South of Normandy


they do cakes tea and coffee and light meals, including cream teas which I have witnessed French people eating for breakfast [:-))]


Also in the Gard, Norman; one example locally is shown in the link I gave to Tea-potes at Anduze, which even shows a banner hanging up with 'tea & cakes' on it!


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As an aside, has the fetish for cupcakes died down in the UK yet? The last time I was there the bloody things were everywhere, icing half a metre thick and unbelievably sickly sweet. I struggled to find a decent slice of actual cake and ended up in some health food place, that didn't seem to have succumbed to the lunacy, eating low sugar carrot cake that was a bit too carrot and not enough cake. 

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I love cake, but cup cakes and bruddy awful american muffins should be done away with, so I agree, cup cakes are terrible things.

When I was a kid small fairy cakes with a bit of icing or butter cream or even better still, made into a butterfly cake was enough, but they were small. Now, they are over big and far too much icing.

The muffins, dry horrid things even with fruit in them, if I end up with one I dunk it a la francaise, at least it is moist even if they are never 'good' and I don't care what anyone en angleterre thinks when I do[:-))]

Yes, you can get cake still in the UK, as I said, I love cake (and scones) so when I am out and about, I know where to go and have a treat.[Www]

Where I used to live a few english tea rooms started and closed fairly quickly, where as there are salon des thes which have been going for years, they sell a good selection of the, coffee and cakes.

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I wish you lot would stop talking about cakes, scones, muffins, etc.

I have got hold of some beautiful clothes that are "un peu juste" so I don't want to be tempted to go on a mega baking session tomorrow!  I have cooked and baked all over the period of les fêtes and what with all the galettes des rois I have had to eat (yes, I know, they forced them down my throat), I was hoping for a bit of a break from eating and drinking!

Trouble is the weather's lousy and I am having to wait in for the plombier tomorrow so I daresay I shall probably end up doing some baking [:-))]

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I don't like cup cakes either, although like Idun I used to love butterfly cakes. I can't see what all the fuss is about with macarons either. I love a good slice of something like carrot cake or chocolate cake, something nice and gooey. A decent piece of Christmas cake's good too, as long as it's had plenty of cognac poured into it for weeks and weeks. We need Rose in here - her cakes have stayed in my memory - delicious!

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I am very pleased that my distaste for cup cakes is not just me being middle aged & grumpy. Galette des rois is OK, but you really have to pay up to get a good one, and I've never seen the point in macaroons. The prices! I saw a "presentation" box in the window of a patisserie in Poitiers before Christmas which contained 25 in assorted lurid colours with an asking price of €38. OK, the box was quite nice, but who buys these things?

My current favourite is boiled fruit cake. My children sometimes have it for breakfast if it is cold.

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  • 2 years later...
Cup cakes are gross, they are more about looking good than being edible. My favourite cake at the moment is Hummingbird Cake, a bit like a good carrot cake but pineapple, banana and cinnamon instead of carrots, wth a tangy lime icing. Just delicious.

I notice Le The Vert in Daglan has had a few mentions in this thread. Judith runs a tea room which is often buzzing in the summer months. She also serves light meals including a proper vegetarian option which is like the proverbial rocking horse s***e in France! I have also been to events there such as fish and chip evenings, Indian evenings and so on. For keen cyclists (and there are many, myself included, during the summer) it is a delightful place to stop for refreshments. I think she closes in the winter months for a number of reasons but largely because it probably wouldn't be worth opening due to the likely dearth of customers!
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