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Low hot water pressure

Jon 1

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We have a 70 litre electric hot water tank with the discharge valve and pipe below and one circular black plastic castelated knob in the same area. That appears to be all the controls. The cold water flow is fine but the hot water flow is extremely poor. It takes about 30 minutes to run a moderate bath. Whilst this is in progress the hot water slows to a trickle in the kitchen and bathroom sink. Is there any way to increase the hot water flow? The copper pipe diameter is about 15mm. Could it be furred up? If so what is the solution?
We are on the third floor of an apartment block. The hot water tank is about 2.5 feet above the floor of the toilet.
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LAST EDITED ON 18-Mar-03 AT 04:28 AM (GMT)

This sounds like the water heater has got excessive scale build up which is restricting flow. If it is the type with the element directly in contact with the water (blind), then it will have to be drained down and cleaned out.

It could also be the cold inlet valve or "groupe de securit" which has become restricted. The drain valve should be actuated at least once or twice a year to keep it clean - most people rarely ever do this.

If there are no filters in the pipework or at the taps it is also feasible that some scale or debris has been mislodged and is restricting the flow somwhere.

Unless you are confident I would call in a local plumber, as there are several possible causes. If you are confident enough and have the tools then I would start by checking the pressure of the incoming cold feed, and then bypassing the heater by linking this pipe to the hot outlet pipe to see if this improves flow.


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Whilst I'm not saying your situation will be the same, we had extremely low pressure for the first year we had the cottage, you could not clean your teeth at the same time as running a bath or shower. When we had a plumber in fitting a radiator, John asked about it and he proceeded to the water meter box in the driveway and turned the stopcock up and hey presto full pressure water, I was running a bath at the time and the bath foam filled the room!!!....And we went a whole year on low pressure!!!
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