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timber treatment


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Can any one tell me how much it would cost to get a specialist company to spray all wood and timbers in an average sized two bed and loft house for woodworm/mites. There is alot of wood, wooden floor boards etc. We don`t think there is an infestation we just want to do it before renovations start to be sure.
Also is it something that needs to be done by a specialist person?
All your experiences will be gratefully received!
Many Thanks
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You can treat for woodworm yourself quite easily...its just a boring job. All bricomarche's sell woodworm and termite resistant chemicals...get yourself a small spray gun and you are away.
If you do it yourself it will cost peanuts but make sure you soak it well... over rather than under do it...

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If you read Jeff Howell's articles on property renovation in the Sunday Telegraph (and his books obtainable from Sunday Telegraph and from some WH Smiths), he maintains tha there is no need to chemically spray woodworm infestation, and that once the property/infested item is made dry and warmer it will die out anyway once the current cycle has ended. He claims that infestation will not normally spread to other woods in same area, ie the little devils only like the munchies currently enjoying and not other tasties nearby. Also he says the chemicals involved in heavy spraying are extremely bad for the health, particularly of the young, elderly, pregnant ladies and anyone with any breathing problems, and has very long lasting effect, you continue to breathe in long after spraying completed. We have old woodworm in our beams, which we have just left and active woodworm in an old French buffet, we have gone down the middle road and used the liquid in tins that you just squeeze in the holes rather than the spray which I can understand could be bad for your health. This way feel that not letting the little devils have all their own way.
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I have a friend who has her house in France treated every 10 years - and certified. The method is to insert plastic plugs into every timber at specified distances. A pressure unit is then attached to each of these in turn and chemical injected INTO the wood. No smell, no spray and easy for the contractor. The problems is France do not just centre on termites and woodworm - there are a host of other boring insects which do substantial damage to woodwork (capricorn beetles in particular).

Well worth getting a profesional job done. Indeed in certain termite areas any house being sold has to have either a current certificate or have a new survey and treatment carried out prior to sale.
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Hi Ronni!

We have also gone along the same path as SallyB for the same (health) reasons (below). We do have active woodworm in some areas but they cannot penetrate deep enough into thick oak beams to do any damage (i.e. the structural stuff) and we have noticed that we are seeing less since we have had the new roof fitted and the house has dried out. You won't need to worry about termites where you are as they haven't reached Basse Normandie so far! However, if termites WERE in the area I wouldn't hesitate to have the house treated - these can be a serious problem.

Bonne courage!

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