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Complete France Forum

Time and money saver, possibly.

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Hello all,

My wife and I will be moving to france before the end of the year and we have started the dreaded search on who to use for our shipping, property insurance and currency.  Now we have been told about so many companies whilst looking for our home in France that I could probably start a small property buyers directory, lol. I have noticed on many forums people talk about companies like hifx, moneycorp, intasure, excel shipping, excel currencies and believe me I could go on forever. I have now come across a website called currencyfinder.co.uk and they preach that if you fill in 1 form then you can sit back while they do all the hard work to get the best prices in all of the areas mentioned seems a bit like confused.com. Now has anbody used this website before and ifso is it as good as it seems.


Your replys will be much appreciated

Arthur and Diane

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