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Dangerous Practice?


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Has anyone read the latest French Property News. An article on home electrics entitled Safe as Houses' contains the following wording 'The three phase had fortunately all been strapped together to give a monophase supply, which will certainly simplify the re-wiring of the house

Am I missing something here with French electrics? That appears awfully like saying its OK to strap three phases together thereby shorting out 415 volts.

Seems to me thats a recipe for as a minimum a big flash and bang and your breaker falling off the wall, or at the worse serious burns, eye damage and a potential fire.

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>Am I missing something here with
>French electrics? That appears
>awfully like saying its OK
>to strap three phases together
>thereby shorting out 415 volts.
>Seems to me thats a recipe
>for as a minimum a
>big flash and bang and
>your breaker falling off the
>wall, or at the worse
>serious burns, eye damage and
>a potential fire.

Yes you are right of course, the explosion would be quite nasty. I have been on the end of a 3 phase short circuit which vaporised a large screwdriver in no time as well as making me blind for half an hour!

It is often the case that the EDF will strap these three phase cables together when they convert you to single phase from three phase, so the article probably meant that.

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I've not read the article but I have noticed that French Property News is publishing more DIY related articles and often the information given is misleading or just plain wrong. When dealing with dangerous stuff like electrity I think they have a responsibility to check the accuracy of the information provided and not hide behind the usual 'not necessarily the views of the Editor' type of disclaimer.


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