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Wrought iron balustrade


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We have just received a quotation for a total rebuild of a large garage with terrace over.
The one rather shocking element is the cost of the new balustrade and staircase railing, which is all to be in wrought iron and not of any particularly exciting design. It is described as being "finition galvanise et thermoleque RAL" which I gather means treated in some fashion which precludes any future maintenance (oh yeah?), but even if this is true we have blenched at a making-up and installation cost of around 260 Euros per meter length (pre-tax).
Are we being taken for a ride? Or are we just being overly sensitive and this is the going rate for this sort of material?
Any advice welcomed!
PS The pound/euro at 1.44 isn't helping of course.
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If I were you I would visit a local Serrurerie mtallerie and get a quote direct from them for making it, you will be surprised at the difference in price straight from the maker because your builder will have to go there and then add on his percentage. Look in the local les pages jaune under the above heading, I know because I had to order some handrails for our local school which my husband was working on building some outside stairs. They will also deliver and probably come and measure properly anyway if you ask them.
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