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Help needed, getting linked up to electricity etc....

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We are moving to Normandy at the beginning of September and can't find out how to get electricity, phone, water etc! Not sure how to go about it, we're probably being dim but will welcome some advice, mainly we're concerned about the electricity, who, & how, and how far ahead etc.

Thank you very much to anyone who can help a frazzled house mover!
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Our estate agent arranged all that for us very kindly.   Might be worth asking your estate agent if they can help you out?

otherwise i think its just go on web-site for EDF for electricity anyway and give them a call.     Electricity name can be changed as soon as you have purchased the property, ditto i am sure water.      i am sure someone else can give more concrete information on that front though.

for the phone, i just called france telecom when i got here, but if you have language difficulties (ie french!) there is an english help-line as i recall (or that might be wanadoo actually).   I will have a look through papers today and see if i still have the number, if no-one gets there ahead of me!


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me again.   i have found this number, but as ever (try not to make this mistake!) its on a nasty scrap of paper, so hopefully it is actually the number for france telecom english speaking helpline.   if not apologies in advance and at least you can learn a valuable lesson, eg make sure all your information is properly documented!

00 33 1 55 78 60 56

oh i also found the one i found when we got here - as we spent hours and a fortune in call boxes trying to sort out.   this is a free-phone uk helpline number also (I think! - ditto poor documentation again) but can be used from france.    08 00 36 47 75

buy yourself the largest phone card they do when you get here and locate your nearest call box which actually has a door is my further rather trite advice - i spent quite some time on a main road in a box with no  door getting rained on in howling wind struggling with language to various companies before we managed to get phone on ourselves.

good luck; if any of above incorrect then sincere apologies but you can try the top number from uk and see if its correct anyway.

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sorry i should add that our estate agent arranged electricity and water, not phone, which seemed to be quite traumatic - even now my french deserts me on phone also - face to face i can muster it, but there is something about phone which is guaranteed to make me total unable to even say hello ! in french
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We visited the France Telecom office in our nearest town. Although they didn’t speak English they were patient and helpful – they even gave us a choice of numbers. We also chose our phone there.

We needed three poles to connect us to the nearest line. If I understood correctly we didn’t have to pay for them because they were on a public road – if they’d been down a drive it would have been up to us to pay.

If my memory serves it took about three weeks.


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