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Planning permission


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I am planning to install decking in the garden. I assume that planning permission is required so I shall be going to the marie, but can anyone tell me the French for "decking"?

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My dictionary says 'flanquer par terre' for deck (US) but that sounds a bit formal. Are you sure you need permission for decking? I wasn't planning to ask for it for a patio, and a deck is less permanent.

BTW - How are Dave Dee, Beaky, Mick and Titch?


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>I am planning to install decking
>in the garden. I assume
>that planning permission is required
>so I shall be going
>to the marie, but can
>anyone tell me the French
>for "decking"?

Planning permission is not required for decking areas unless the area is over 0.6 metres high above ground level, or you are in or live close to an area of historical importance. If you intend to build any form of structure on the decking then there are height and floor area considerations which may require the simple form of palnning approval " the declaration de travaux".

The gereneral term used for wooden decking are " les terrasses en bois" and "lames de terrasse en bois" are the actual boards.
" Callebotis" are the square or rectangular decking pieces
that you can often buy to form small areas of decking in amonsgt gravel etc;

This site explains planning approval in more detail. If you are in any doubt whatsoever call ionto your local mairie who will be able to advise on your local conditions and any byelaws applicable.



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Before you decide to this did you see the article in america about arsenic in the decking wood. Maybe you should check and see what methods they use in europe to treat this wood before you take on a potential risk to your health.
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