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Planning/Marie searchs

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Hi All

We are relocating from the north of France to the French Alps in the next six months. We have already bought one property in France so are happy with most of the legal stuff.

There is one area where I canot seem to find any success and that is looking for aplications in regard to planning permission whether private or commercial. I have tried the websites of Maries and Prefectures in the departement we are aiming at but no sucess. Perhaps my French is not as good as I thought.

The location of where we go is very important and the absence or even presence of plans is something I want to know about before comiting to an area

thanks in advance
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ALL planning applications here have to be displayed by law in the local mairie where the proposed application refers to. You won't find them on local mairie websites usually because there will be many and forever ongoing with new applications and most havn't got the funds to keep a large website going all the time. In France everything boils down to local government firstly and then depending on the amount of opposition, it goes prefecturally and then to the state. It is upto the individual to keep abreast of what is going on locally.
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