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Translation of building terms


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I speak good French but do not, as yet, have a dictionary of building terms.  Does anyone know what "herisson" means in relation to floors (I know it normally means 'hedgehog' but I don't think they would make a very good base for a floor !!)

Also, "film polyane" and "une allege".  Any ideas gratefully received. 

Does anyone know, in addition, whether soakaways are used widely in France and, if so, what they are in French.

Many thanks

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Hi Smiff

There is a website you should take a look at that translates technical terms from french to english - I have found it really useful.  I put in herisson and it is granular infil or compacted fill under a slab or something called Telford base!!


Didn't try your other queries - you can have the fun of doing that yourself.  It is the sort of site that can take up a lot of your time once you get into it - there is always just one more word or phrase to check out!!



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i assume that you are talking about floors, if so herisson is the hardcore that you put under a solid floor,film polyane is a plastic membrane and an allege is the height of something from finished floor level ie a window cill.Look out for a book called Lexique du batiment et travaux publique published by foucher isbn2 216 03486 X
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Hello Smiff

I think "allege" is some kind of skirting or apron around a door or window.  I don't know what "film polyane" is but I would guess it's some kind of plasticy/synthetic film.

Hope that helps.  Good luck with the hedgehog flooring!



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