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Hello.. couple of nagging questions..


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Hi everybody...

b4 I bought my Barn the estate agent said.."Did you know you can only put your caravan on site for only two months at a time" is this true...? The region is le Charente Maritime the barn is near Saintes....


I read a post on electric company refusing to fit electric to a building with-out a roof I suppose thats bound to be true....is it...?


Thanks in advance..


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Re: Caravan on site. You need permission from your local mairie to site a mobile or caravan on your land whilst you renovate. Just go along and ask,not normally any problems unless a neighbour complains.

EDF are very finicky. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they have refused to supply until your roof is complete, probably a question of safety as well as it looking like a ruin.

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Hello mick and welcome!!

Can't answer your leccy question - haven't a clue, but regarding the caravan I suggest you go and introduce yourself to your maire, explain the situation and ask him/her nicely for permission to site it.


I think with caravans size matters and you know what France is like - every department/ commune/ hameau has different rules and regulations. We are in 16 and had a 14 footer parked in various places (it kept getting in the way) on our plot for two years - didn't even think to go and ask for permission and our maire knew it was here but never said anything so who knows how the land lies in 17.........


best of luck....helen

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You should officially contact the Mairie by letter. Don't just ask, or believe that the Maire knows and that is sufficient, this is included in official textes and should be done properly.

If you weren't going to ask permission, then in effect, you probably could live in your caravan on your land for two months at a time. However, more than three months and you should follow the reglementation.

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I know of one mairie near us in 50 which flatly refuses permission to site caravans on property being renovated, this has come up in our Normandy forum. So do find out if there are any local restrictions where you are - don't just rely on the fact that other people have caravans.

As far as the electricity is concerned, I believe EdF will give you a temporary supply if your property is not suitable yet for a proper connection. It's best to do this through an electrician, as many will either rent the expensive temporary switch box to you, or sell you one and buy it back when it is time for your supply to be made permanent.

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Thank-you ALL for your helpfull replies.....


How do I find the local maire?[hope he can speak English] I did atually think cos I`ve seen loads of caravan in peoples gardens then no-body minded...

The estate agent said it would be ok in the barn ,but the roof is falling down...

I hope he does`nt mind a bit of scaffolding...




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Hi Mick - you find the maire at your local town hall (Mairie) - every town and village has one (even very small villages!). Flags are hanging on the wall outside.


I know how you feel about caravans everywhere - we have quite a few parked in gardens dotted around the commune. The majority belong to French folks and are used for a couple of weeks a year. I wonder if they get permission......



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The difference here is that caravans for holidays, can be kept on one's own land, if the person is resident there. If they own land somewhere else then they require permission, (below is the text from the Service Public). Living in the thing whilst one renovates is quite another thing and in consequence is dealt with differently. I know of people who have done this (in the UK, not here) and we rented when we were having our house built. It isn't a sight one really sees  in this region, maybe it isn't allowed either.



VOS DROITS ET DÉMARCHES : Questions-réponses

A-t-on le droit d'installer une caravane sur son terrain sans autorisation ?

L'installation plus de trois mois par an d'une caravane sur un terrain vous appartenant est subordonnée à autorisation préalable, sauf si elle est stationnée sur le terrain de votre résidence. 

La demande d'autorisation de stationnement est établie en deux exemplaires selon le modèle national fixé par arrêté du ministre chargé de l'urbanisme ( formulaire CERFA N°10531*01) et adressée au maire par pli recommandé avec demande d'avis de réception postal ou déposée contre décharge à la mairie.  

La décision doit vous être adressée au plus tard dans un délai de deux mois. A défaut, l'autorisation est réputée accordée. 

L'autorisation ne peut être donnée pour une durée supérieure à trois ans. Elle est renouvelable. 

Ne soyez pas surpris : des prescriptions spéciales peuvent vous être imposées, notamment en ce qui concerne la surface minimale des emplacements de stationnement et le respect des distances par rapport aux limites des parcelles, ainsi que, le cas échéant, la création d'écrans de verdure. 

Attention : en aucun cas, vous ne devez ôter à la caravane ses moyens de mobilité car elle serait alors regardée comme une construction élevée illégalement et vous seriez passible de poursuites devant le tribunal correctionnel.  

 Textes de référence
article R 443-5 du code de l'urbanisme


Dernière mise à jour : Mars 2004

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Hi Mick and welcome the the Forum, and to Charente Maritime

If you intend to live in your caravan you do need permission from the Mairie, but beware - in some communes in C-M caravans are not allowed to be lived in on site, even when you are building/renovating your house!

If you need any help with contacting the Maire, let me know what Commune you are in, maybe I can help.

Angie Moore

Charente Maritime Granny (www.Grannynetwork.info)




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