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Chien Assis


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Our local builder has quoted 5,800 euros to install a medium sized chien assis(dormer window). Having seen his work in the area we are impressed with the quality. However, we have queried the high price as we have had dormers installed in our house in England at a much lower price. He insists that this is what they cost, materials, labour etc.We will need three of these dormers but at a cost of 17,400 euros, we are tempted to fly out a contact from England who is a master carpenter!

We realise that prices here are different but this does sound a little silly. What price are chien assis? Has anyone had them installed recently?




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I know its been done to death, but if you start bringing labour in from the UK, it could cause you all sorts of trouble from being labelled "black work" to invalidating any future CGT claims offsetting the work that has been done. There is also the question of insurance, not just for the worker and yourselves but a ten year guarantee must be provided to cover the work especially if you have to sell.  Labour and material charges are high in France because artisans have to pay high social charges unlike the UK. A good artisan has to charge a minimum of 30€ per hour to cover his costs and slightly less for his labourers. If you buy in France, then you should expect to pay what everyone else has to and not import foreign workers when it gets expensive. You will also be held responsible if your worker has an accident too and remember that the locals love to grass people up as well if they think they are being outdone.  Have you shopped around for other quotes as you may find someone just as good but cheaper.
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We are now shopping around of course and yes we realise the consequences of using labour from another country. We came with the sole intention of using local artisans as we are living here permanently but I do think we are being given quotes that are somewhat high for the job. We have done quite a lot of building work ourselves and are aware of both cost of materials and labour involved.

Therefore, we expect a fair quote for work involved. Hopefully, the next devis may be a little more realistic!


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Dear Catherine,

On the surface 5800 Euros sounds a little high, but without knowing exact details of your existing roof, size of dormer, then speculation on the cost would be pointless.

Presumably your builder is well-respected locally and will have worked out his costing based upon the work required. Unless you are going to do the work yourselves than any costs based upon the UK are irrelevant.

Your best course of action would be to get a couple of other quotes from local builders and compare them very carefully with the one that you have.

Bear in mind also that most decent French builders are not going to be sitting around waiting for your work, which rather reduces your bargaining power.

Your worse course of action would be to bring in UK workers. As Val2 has quite rightly pointed out, apart from being illegal, you wil have no guarantees and will be using people who have no knowledge of French materials and techniques.

As regards the other advice - forget it - Castorama is now a shadow of its fomer self - a B&Q clone and would probably not know what a dormer window is. Lapeyre are very good for standard and custom windows but they do not do dormer windows.

Good luck with your project.

Bob Clarke


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Hi All,

Well we had our first devis from the local decorator for painting the exterior of our house near Loudeac. It's a fairly large neo-breton style house about 22 years old.  It needs some filling of a few cracks etc, and usual preparation. We have just received a quote for 6,872€ (over £4000).

Now I had no idea what the cost would be having never used such a service, but there is no way we can afford that, so looks like I'll have to tackle it.  I know it is said that artisans are expensive in france for various reasons, but £4000 to paint a house?  We will get another quote just to see but I don't hold out much hope!



Bob (5.3 weeks and counting..........)

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Bob - that doesn't sound too bad to me. English neighbours of some friends got a couple of quotes in June for painting their pavilion (not very large). First guy, French, quoted 24000 euros and the second quote from a British outfit was for nearly 12000 euros. LOL - they did it themselves over the summer and it looks really nice.


Think in some areas Brits are being taken for a ride. Friends have recently had fosse installed and pond dug out - first quote from Brit with digger was over 6000euros and that didn't include removing the spoil (as he had nowhere to put it!!). Second quote was for just under 4000euros from local French artisan recommended by maire - included everything and was quickly and very professionally done!


May pay to get several devis.



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The house next door to us (French) was done recently, cleaned, rendered and painted and it cost... wait for it... 17,000 Euros!! It looks very nice but you could buy a nice barn to convert for that money. We have done a similar job on ours and it cost a couple of hundred Euros in materials plus a lot of hard work. It may be wise to use local labour but the prices for any kind of work are extortionate so it is hardly surprising people take the chance with black work of whatever kind.
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Hi again,

I'm not sure that I'd like to take on someone on the black, but no way can I justify paying those sort of charges, I know that artisans have to make a living.  To be honest, I have only ever paid anyone to do work for me that was totally out of my league such as some electrics although I've done most of that my self (in UK), washing machines, who knows about them!  I did once change some bearings on one, took me about 3 hours and had to hire special tool that cost £20!  It may take me ten times longer to complete the job but I don't have the luxury of paying that sort of money and what satisfaction!

I think the artisan has seen that we have bought this big house in the village and maybe thinks we are loaded, maybe at the moment I am, but it's got to last, I've only one more good paycheck then it's tighten belt time!!  Whers that paint roller!



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We are having our roof replaced in October and taking the opportunity to include 2 chien assis (95 x 90) and 2 velux.

Reading the Devis we are being charged €4995 for the two chien assis and €1700 for the two velux.

The whole shooting match is €27,000 but it is 33m long and being in Burgundy is steep.

We have seen the chaps work and enjoyed a glass or two at his own house, which he is also renovating. Top bloke and happy to share his knowledge.

Hope this helps.

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I would say, and if I'm wrong, I know that I will be corrected, that a velux follows the angle of the roof and when shut is just flat against the roof. Where as a dormer window is made when a hole is put in the roof and the carpentry is done to extend the actual room,  and the window is verticle. So is that it?
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I think you've hit the nail on the head. We have also bought a large maison that is really beautiful on the exterior but pretty bad inside. I think the artisans believe that we are both wealthy and also incapable of doing renovation work ourselves. Unfortunately, some things ie chien assis, are beyond us so we do need carpenters, electricians etc.

We are just in the process of obtaining another quote and even this second ball park figure on a chien assis was almost half of what the first builder quoted. We shall see!


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