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anyone finished with their scaffolding


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[quote]Hi, I wondered if anyone had finished with their scaffolding and would be willing to sell it? Willing to collect from 19,46.47,24 or close. best Regards Helen[/quote]

'Finished with their scaffolding' - Now there's an interesting concept - do people ever finish with their scaffolding? We've been using ours for over a year now and find it hard to believe that it will ever be made redundant. Sorry Helen!
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Alternatively then, where is the best/cheapest place to buy decent scaffolding?

Looked at the stuff at Castorama and not impressed, a decent 'industrial' set up costs the earth and then there's the transport to France problem.

Hints tips on a postcard (or on here i suppose)

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[quote]Hi, I wondered if anyone had finished with their scaffolding and would be willing to sell it? Willing to collect from 19,46.47,24 or close. best Regards Helen[/quote]

If my guess is a good one then I reckon most of the people who use this forum and live here need to own certain things and one of those is a good type of scaffolding contraption.

I bought a scaffold tower before I moved here and it one of the things I wouldn't be without.

I was in Point P the other day and I did notice they had scaffolding for sale. It was the type that had trestle type things and metal walkways that hook on to the trestles. It was certainly not a DIY flimsy item and worth considering buying. I am not sure if Point P is in your area but if not you probably have a similar thing where trades people go for their supplies and I have found that these good quality bits of equipment are very often better value than the UK.

Sorry that its only waffle I have to give but whatever you end up with don't forget to secure it well.


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[quote]If my guess is a good one then I reckon most of the people who use this forum and live here need to own certain things and one of those is a good type of scaffolding contraption. I bought a scaffold ...[/quote]

Too true. My husband spends a lot of his life perched on rooves and no way would he ever trust french scaffolding. We made several journeys and transported lots and lots of tubes,boards,clips and locks from our local hire/sales outlet back in the UK,something we would never do again especially with those 20ft poles getting tangled in the cargo netting on the Bretagne. Our employees say they feel safer going up on our scaffolding with it's safety rails etc rather than their own french stuff so thats one up to British Scaffolding standards. Unfortunately for the poster,we don't have any for sale but we do buy new steel tubes from our local electrical/plumbing suppliers to enlarge the collection,its just the clips and locks that we are always needing more of.
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Thanks Helen..i didnt know the French for 'scaffolding' and used your help to find a hire company near us. Whilsty on the scrounge for info...i am not sure it is scaffolding we really need...the roof of the house has fallen into the house making the exterior walls unstable and i am concerned to protect these from actually falling down in any winter storms etc...someone in the know pointed out that scaffold might not help that much and some form of supports to lead against the house might be better. Has any one any idea what such a thing is called...i bet the scaffold company has some its just knowing what to ask for .



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[quote]Hi, I wondered if anyone had finished with their scaffolding and would be willing to sell it? Willing to collect from 19,46.47,24 or close. best Regards Helen[/quote]


I have been in the Access & Rigging ( Scaffolding ) industry for over 30 Years. If anybody needs help I have the correct materials to hold & support Walls , Roofs etc,etc.

I am in 61 Orne

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"Too true. My husband spends a lot of his life perched on rooves and no way would he ever trust french scaffolding"

A completely misleading posting - how do so many good French artisans entrust their lives to it?

Even in our small town we have a specialist scaffolding sales/hire centre that has far more sophisticated equpiment than is generally avalable in the UK.

I am sure that in all areas of France, high quality scaffolding with guard rails, toe boards and harness systems is available for hire.

Point P have a good range of smaller scaffold systems and security systems available.

Certainly no need to bring anything from the UK.


Bob Clarke


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Bob C. Why do you always put every thing I say down no matter what the subject is in question? I'm no threat to you and live a long way away as well. Fifteen years of France gives me a fair bit of knowledge to pass and  I just add a contribution from this experience.Besides why would we leave all this scaffolding behind inthe UK when we use it here all the time. I've never said a bad thing against any of your replies,so why get at me?
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I have just spent ten minutes typing in a 'hopefully' constuctive reply to your answer.

When I tried to post it I found that I had been 'logged out' and all was lost.

This new Forum is very bad - I will send you a private mail tomorrow - we are all on the same side!

Kind regards,

Bob Clarke

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