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planning to build your own house


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We have just found a piece of land that we want to buy in order to build a house on.  We are looking into the size house we are allowed and gaining planning permission but we want to plan it ourselves.  I think we can do this if the habitable area is less than 170m2 without an architect.  However, we have no idea about building regulations in France and just wondered if anyone could recommend a book (in english) which has this information in.

Thanks, Cath

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Hello & welcome...

You are correct about the 170SqM rule. However, for a new build you are likely to need architect-quality drawings, so most people use an architect (if they are not buying an off-the-plans house).

There are no buildings regs (in the UK sense) in France, there are plenty of regulations about how things must be done (electrics, plumbing, property positioning, stairs etc etc), but noone will inspect the building as you progress. You (as the builder) will be responsible for ensuring that the building conforms. Again, an architect will take this into account when he designs/draws the plans.

Not aware of any books (in English) that are worth reading. Plenty in French. Don't be tempted to use UK designs - they won't work here (& vice versa).



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