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Didn't quite know whether to post this question here or on the language forum... but I have just received the first devis for work on my house and am having some trouble making head nor tail of it!

So does anyone know what are:

"carrelages St Sanson"

"briques St Jean"

or what the word "calicotage" means?

I'd really like to know!


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I am sorry but I can't help with your query I just looked here hoping to learn some new expletives.

I expect you have heard of the little boy who insisted on helping when builders spent some time building an extension to the family home. At the end of the week the men had a whip round for him because he was disappointed not to get a  pay packet. When he showed his mother his "wages" after the men had left she asked him if he was helping them again on monday to which he replied "no there is no work on monday cos the we've run out of effing bricks".

Best of luck with the devis because in my experience thats the easy bit, getting them to come to do the work takes a bit longer.



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Don't have my dictionary of building terms by me right now, so I'll check and correct myself later today if necessary. In the meantime I think "carrelages" is tiles, St Sanson probably the make or type, "briques St Jean" will be a baked clay/lightweight ceramic brick of a particular manufacture, and the word "calicotage" is probably as straight-forward as it sounds, meaning calico, the kind of rough hemp-like material builders sometimes use to protect cement work from frost and for padding, make-do insolation, etc.

Hope I haven't mislead you. Good luck with the works.


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[quote]Didn't quite know whether to post this question here or on the language forum... but I have just received the first devis for work on my house and am having some trouble making head nor tail of it!So ...[/quote]

calicotage, when the joints or cracks between something(ie placo)are filled in.As said before the tape between the joints was calico but has been replaced by other materials now
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The reason being:-  That the link is to another site and to Admin maybe classed as 'advertising'. I'm still not sure, like most people, what's allowed and what isn't.  Athough, may I add, that the site has nothing to do with me what so ever. 
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Thanks for all the replies. The real mystery (to me) was what 'calicotage' was, which of course turned out to be fairly obvious!

Meeting another set of builders tomorrow, armed with a little more knowledge...

As an aside, how many different builders did other forum members get estimates from before choosing one?


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