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Finding a building plot, an architect & then building


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We're at the point of looking to move house, and one option is to go down the new build route. If we do this though we'd like to do something to our own specification rather than an off the shelf solution. For anyone who has gone this route can you give me some idea on where we should set our expectations timescale wise? i.e. how long from the point of identifying the plot to having a finished product? In my mind I'm thinking 3 months the plot purchase to go through, 4 months to get architect plans sorted and agreed, 3 months to identify and agree a builder and then 12 to 18 months to get it built depending on the builders availability. Hence something around the 22 to 28 months in total.

Does this seem reasonable / are you experiences different?


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I'm in the same boat as you.  Last year I bought a plot in the Var region.  I have identified a builder and am now trying to establish timings for obtaining planning permission and the actual building.  I hope to hear from the bui;der withing the next week and will keep you posted.

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Your timescale is realistic in my experience. Initiated my land purchase (which had existing CU) October 04, signed up Jan 05, builder consulted and design finalised, plans approved June 05. Foundations started Aug 05 and house keys received Aug 06. All in all very happy with the way things went but beware the dreaded EXTRAS!! Also be prepared to kick serious arse - sometimes difficult from a distance of 1000 miles. My builder is very good - but not averse to telling the odd white lie.

Once he realised I was not going to accept everything he said blindly he treated me with new found respect and the project went very smoothly from then on. It did help that I kept him on his toes by not warning him in advance of when I would turn up - something I did learn very early on!

Best of luck!


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