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Complete France Forum

TVA on work fosse septique work related


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I am changing my drainage pipe. One terrassement firm has quoted me a figure plus TVA at 19.6% the other says - but not actually yet put it on paper - that the rate should be 5%.

I am inclined to believe the latter but how can someone who is Siret registered be mistaken like that?

I have stuplidly rushed into signing the agreement with that company. Can I get out of it ?



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All work related to sewage/house drainage for a private individual comes under the 5,5% rate HOWEVER, if you have a motorised pumping station setup rather than the standard two-tank/Soakaway installation this will come under the full 19,6% rate. If you are worried, contact your CAPEB or TVA office for proper clarification but I think you will find the above is the correct if the work is carried out by a registered artisan.
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I am reporting below the quote of Euro 1,495.00 that the french artisan has given me (inclusive of the 19.6% TVA to it), for the befit of all forum members:


Epandage: partir avec un tuyau diamètre 100 du regard existant pour aller au centre du terrain. Mise en place d'un regard répartiteur. Drainage en 3 tranchées paralleles reliées entre-elles par un regard de bouclage et la tranchée les reliant le long de la haie sera allongée vers la barrière et un regard de visite sera mis au bout:

Largeur des tranchées 0.50mm - Longeur totale 50m

Comprenant cailloux 20!40 épaisseur 0.25m, un drain rigide; feutre géotextile et refermer avec la terre.

Enlèvement de excédant de terre.



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