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Electricity / Telephone pylons


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Hi All

Has anyone had any experience of getting EDF and France Telecom to  move electricity and telephone pylons/posts to a different part of a property? I have a great garden, with lovely surrounding views, but all I can see is two tall posts with their associated wiring slap bang in the middle of it all. I am most interested in the possible costs involved.

Thanks in anticipation.

Paul Johnson 

P.S. I was confused.....these posts in my garden are the type that deliver the domestic electricity and telephone cables to the house from the main electricity and telecom cables running down the main road!!!! 

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I have similar problem - not a great garden but great view with large concrete pylon (not one of those giant jobbies).  It's hidden by trees in summer but in winter is quite visible and it's a "junction" where 3 lines join together.  My neighbours have told me that EDF are planning to reroute all the overhead supplies underground.  I don't know when though.  May be worth asking if there are any plans do do anything like in your area.  Just a thought.  Now I come to think of it, when we lived in the UK we had a pylon on our land that the electricity board had to pay rent for...mmmm now that's a thought!
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We are holding our breath on this one as we have a very ugly concrete post in front of our house and EDF are digging trenches 4kms further along the road (in the next commune) for underground cables. Don't know yet if ours will be moved.

Unfortunately, alongside it is the (shorter) post carrying telephone wires.

I'm popping into the Mairies tomorrow to register for voting so will ask.


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