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Draining a chaufe eau for winter


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I wonder if anyone can clarify the correct procedure to drain down our water heater.

I have turned off the water at the mains and drained the water from the pipes but the volume drained would suggest that the chaufe eau is still full of water.

The Group de securitie has a black knob which can be turned approximastely 3 times from its current position of "open" should this be closed?

Also the Group de securitie has a knurled ring with an arrow and the word Vidange - should I just turn this ring in the direction of the arrow?

Do I need to open the hot water taps to break the vacumn.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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You should not play around with the safety valve,its preset.Just give it a pull once a year to check its working correctly ,ie the seating is not stuck.The chaufe eau is quite well lagged and do not really need draining down,although i would protect the pipework and the s/valve around the cly.I normally throw a bit of carpet over it to stop the chill factor etc.happy plumbing.
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The fact the tank is insulated won't stop a C-E freezing, it will just take longer to do so!

Admittedly it is unlikely if the C-E is located in the centre of a building. But if we have the severe winter we are promised then in exposed areas, with a chauffe-eau located on an outside wall of a poorly insulated house, they can freeze.

Draining it down isn't complicated, just slow, and the expansion valve is designed to facilitate the process.

From a manufacturer's website


Que faire en cas d’absence?
En cas d’absence prolongée l’hiver, couper l’alimentation électrique de l’appareil et vidanger le chauffe-eau afin d’éviter tout risque de gel.

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