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Fosse septique - how big?


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It's probably a well-worn subject, but I can't seem to find any useful info by searching the forum, so here goes.

We need to replace a soakaway with a fosse septique, how big should it be? We are a family of four, planning to operate B&B with two double bedrooms. Given that occupancy of these rooms won't be constant (if only!) - do we need more than a 3,000 litre job? Anyone out there able to let me know what you've got and how many occupants it handles? We've been told 5,000l would be better, but I've been quoted 8,500 euros for that - very steep, I can't help feeling. Again, anyone got an thoughts?

All comments gratefully received,


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You need to check with the authorities for the whole system, drainage field , the lot. Otherwise if your new system is not compliant they will make you replace it all. If you are planning extensions at a later date, you will need to mention this too, as the drains are part of the planning process, and once again, if your fosse is not big enough, its back to square one.

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[quote]Blimey, I had ours emptied recently and was told it was 10,000 litres, glad I dont need it replacing.How often do they need emptying?[/quote]

We were told at least every four years with an inspection every three years here in Deux Sevres.....................John not Jackie
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We were told at least every four years with an inspection every three years here in Deux Sevres.....................John not Jackie


Is this a legal requirement?  If so, how do people like TU manage who swear by never having the fosse emptied?  Also, where would we stand being holiday home owners?



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Our fosse only takes the toilet waste and our waste water from the fosse goes directly into the drains. The grey water from our sinks goes directly into the drains and not via the fosse. None of our waste water goes into the ground. And we pay a lot in water rates, in spite of the 'thick' waste being kept by ourselves.

We treat our fosse properly and have never had any problems with it at all. I have asked friends, including a builder friend of ours and everyone is like us, if there are no problems then they have not had theirs emptied. I will ask at the Mairie next time I'm in, but frankly after all this time, I am not going to rush to ask or get it done. 

Also interestingly, I have been told that further down the drainage system there are homes now whose waste goes directly into the drains.

I've never heard of anyone on here having a system like ours. I can understand the authorities being cautious about waste that will end up in the ground, ours most certainly does not.

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The occasional (four/five yearly) inspections are all part of the new regulations. When the inspection takes place any repairs or improvements required to meet the norms will be notified, and a time limit imposed in which to do them. If a fosse has not been emptied frequently enough and as a result it has overflowed via the drainage field then this will be picked up, and remedial action will have to be taken. Certainly invoices to prove that the tanks have been emptied will be useful, but as its all very new, nobody really knows whether they will insist that tanks be emptied every N months where there is infrequent usage.

There will be a new annual  redevance for each private fosse ,  to cover the cost of these inspections.

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Forgiv me if I've got this wrong, but wasn't I asking about size of fosse septique required and how much?! All very interesting about how often a fosse needs emptying etc, but surely this should be talked about in a seperate poste.

Just get the feeling my poste has been hijacked somewhat here... Still hoping for info on size and price, if anyone can oblige.

with best wishes,


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A few people have already commented on their experiences. The only people who can tell you the actual size will be the officials who carry out the inspection. Their decision on the size of the tank will be determined by the size and declared use of the property. Don't forget that the nature of the soil, and hence the size and type of drainage system can have a significant effect on the cost.
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As was said, ask at your Mairie and/or DDE as to what size you should have and all the regs pertaining to it. The you will have to shop around to find out how much the correct size fosse will be to have installed, your mairie may be able to recommend someone.
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Having bought a property earlier this year, we are in the process of replacing the existing fosse septique with a new one, compliant with the new regulations.  Our property is in 47.  5 bedrooms & 5 bathrooms & 2 w.c.  Our builder got the inspector's name from the local Mairie.  He did an inspection of the existing fosse, plus a soil test, on the 28th August.

He then indicated the type & size of fosse necessary (4 m3), plus supplied a list of recommended local firms to do the work.  He was also responsible for getting approval for the new fosse, which did not happen until the 18th December (nearly 4 months).  Initially, we were told that the new fosse would go in the same location as the old one - at the last moment, the approved plan was changed, so now the new fosse has to be behind the dependence (which is also being connected to the fosse - the 5th bed & bathroom are there - as waste water currently goes out of a pipe at the back onto the ground !).  The old fosse (in front of the main house) will still have to be removed (regulations require this).  The old fosse has to be emptied before this can be done.

Our builder got 2 quotes - one for EUR 6,272, the other for EUR 7,475 - we are going with the cheaper one !

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Many thanks to all who passed on their experiences - for anyone else interested, I've been told by another Forum member that they had a 5000l tank installed for nearly 4000 Euros less than my 8,500 euros quoted... So sensible prices are around. I now await a devis from another builder, we'll see how he shapes up.


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[quote]Many thanks to all who passed on their experiences - for anyone else interested, I've been told by another Forum member that they had a 5000l tank installed for nearly 4000 Euros less than my 8,500 eu...[/quote]

On the subject of size we were told that a minimum size was now 3000  litres and that the capacity should be sufficient to give a retention of three days house output. I found this formula looking back through the posts on TF.

Water usage is calculated at 150 litres per person each day. They count the number of bedrooms plus half a bedroom and assume  2 people per room. For example 3 bedrooms equates to 7 people x 150 l/day x 3 days retention = 3,150 litres.

Don't know if this is of any help...........John not Jackie



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