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Central heating installation


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After ditching our plan to install electric raditors we've decided to bite the bullet and install central heating - probably oil fired.

Haven't investigated at all yet, but am looking for a very rough costing - from scratch, all equipment, including tank and installation - for a six room stone cottage needing about eight radiators. Most of the internal walls are 70 cms thick. We're near Agen, Lot et Garonne.

What do you reckon I might be looking at - 3000, 5000, 10000 Euros? More?

Thoughts welcome.


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We bought a Godin wood burner/cooker, it has about 20 kw output and have installed 4 radiators initially. Total cost so far is less than 4000 euro. Wood fired systems are hard work though, you have to plan to buy in firewood a couple of years in advance and rotate it, but there's nothing like the look of tons of firewood stacked up!


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