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Looking for some advice regarding my electrics.

Firstly, can anybody give me an idea of the cost to remove my meter

and main power from inside to a external wall? The box would be sited

directly under where the power cable connects to the property.

Secondly, the power supply we have is very low. the cables coming to

the house are very small (2 small cables weaved together) which leads

to us constantly tripping out when running two or three supplies

(ie lights, heater, cooker) together. I checked my neighbours and their

input is alot larger than ours. From this I assume that the power has 

been here quite a while and never upgraded.

How would I go about having my power increased and any idea of the

cost involved.

Thanks Jon


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Yes, contact EDF immediately to arrange for a technicien to come and give you a devis for the work. It will cost you to have the meter moved but not for upgrading the supply if the strength is low, they will test this for you. Some branches can take weeks to send someone out so you may have to be patient and others will come the next day. They won't do anything though until you have paid up front.
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A guy from EDF came out the other week (we had made an appointment about three weeks earlier) to give us a devis for moving our meter so that some fairly urgent work to a lintel can be carried out.

Anyway he agreed to get the meter upgraded (small white plastic) and moved higher up the wall out of the way with an exterior reader thingy. All for 75 euros but he said if the meter hadn't needed upgrading it would have cost a lot more. The money has already been added to electricity bill and debited from bank account (and the work hasn't been carried out yet).

EDF came out and upgraded us from 3kw to 6kw a couple of years ago. This was free and we have found it adequate as we haven't got electric oven, heating or water heater. I think if you have any/all of these you need 9kw. The higher the kw the higher the standing charges.


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[quote]You will have to contact your local EDF or Regie about supply.The EDF at least will, for a small fee, send someone out to discuss how much supply you need as there are different tarifs for the various...[/quote]

We never had ANY luck getting EDF to come and discuss ANYTHING They were quite happy to talk to me over the phone, but always had an excuse as to why no-one could come, "Too far in advance to book it", "no appointments left now, should have booked it earlier" etc.

If you look at your meter, there is probably a small window near the main swich (500mA disjoncteur), with a readout of how many kW you have at present.

Ours read 3, not near enough: the kettle and one fan heater tripped it

I rang EDF, and spent ages having WHY it tripped out explained, dispite me assuring the guy I KNEW why, having a degree in physics. He then went through a long list of things which he wanted to know if we had, or would have, them. Then he granted us 9kW as the maximum they would let us have before looking at our system.

DO be careful: if you go onto the EDF website, you'll find a list of tariffs (how many kW) and the standing charges for each. They LEAP up after I think 12kW so check carefully before signing up.


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