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shipping container


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Hi. Not sure which forum this belongs in, I have a 20ft x 8ft shipping container which I own and I intend to ship all my belongings over to France in it , My question is at what point do the customs need to inspect the contents, is it at my home before the container lorry picks it up? or do I have to send the keys with the driver so it can be inspected at the docks ? (leaving it possible for the lorry driver to fill it with allsorts of illeagal things) Many thanks Rupert
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There are no specific customs checks/declarations at the point of entry from other EU states into France.  However, the French customs service have the right to stop and inspect a vehicle and its contents and to search the occupants.  This right of stop/inspection/search covers all public places within Metropolitan France and its overseas departments and territories.

If the customs ask to see inside your container and your driver cannot comply, then he may be liable to a 3,750 euro fine and a potential one year in prison.

Give him the keys....


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When you have locked it, put a lead seal on and take photos showing seal and date. When loaded on truck take photos showing sealed container with reg of vehicle. Ensure driver knows or sees you take photos. If there is a subsequent hassle at French end the douaniers will know if it was sealed when they inspected it. The driver will know that it has to be seal-intact on delivery if Customs have not checked it and will be less likely to take the chance of interfering on the way, he also knows it would not be worth his job anyway.

Only a suggestion of course.

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