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Cleaning Charente stone


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Please can anyone suggest how I can clean a very dirty looking stone fireplace and also an internal wall which has some very dark patches on it.  I don't THINK it's damp!  I've tried washing, soda then moved onto a wash with bleach - these have helped a little.  I've heard that one can use chaux, but how?  Any help would be much appreciated, thank you


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Assuming you are refering to hewn limestone cut into blocks etc.

Providing your circumstances allowed, an alternative to using chemicals is sandblasting.  We were able to do ours before moving into the house as its an extremely dusty job.  Well worth though as it strips off a fine layer of stone leaving you with the original colour which you can then tidy up with a fine wire brush. 

Another method of cleaning flat surfaced limestone stonework is to use a hand tool known as a 'chemin de fer'.  You scratch this tool over the surface and it again reduces a fine layer from the stone's face. 

Could the very dark patches on your wall have anything to do with cognac barrels being stored in the room in the past.  If so, somehow these encourage a stubborn thick black type of mould to grow on any nearby surface.  Again these were almost removed with a sandblaster but more penetrating than 150 years of soot that built up on the fireplace.

Not sure about the chaux I'm afraid.


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Probably is damp - but don't worry, we've got a similar problem and bleach really does do the trick, but make sure you get the really really strong stuff that's sold for the purpose, rather than just ordinary household bleach.

If you don't have to worry about wood floors or carpets, then a blast with a water jet spray is also really good and very effective.


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Thank you both, I think sandblasting is out but I'll go and search for building bleach.  I love the idea of cognac barrels being stored in the room, thank you for that image, it does always seem to be a very friendly room - perhaps down to the spirits drunk there, thank you



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