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hi xlb


I'm sure that I have what you need or am sure to be able to get it, if you can specify what species you want, dimensions, quantity and moisture content.


If you what to get the information to me in a PM I'll deal with it directly.



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Hello Chris


Good to see another oak lover.. me too. Tell me; is your oak quarter sawn? what sort of mill do you have? Do you air dry, dehumidify or cook em?

I think that the others we wanting Sapelle perhaps!!


Nice owl by the way.. compliments.



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Well, that certainly gave me a good laugh - it was the reply from Chris that started me laughing, I's still wiping the tears away!. I make it about eleven hi's. This site is worth it's weight in gold at times, just when you're reading some information along comes the mighty hand and it all gets screwed up. Thanks again for the laugh. Keni 
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[quote]Hello Chris Good to see another oak lover.. me too. Tell me; is your oak quarter sawn? what sort of mill do you have? Do you air dry, dehumidify or cook em? I think that the others we wanting Sap...[/quote]

Hi Andrew,

The love of Oak came from working on Oak trees for a number of years, then I started carving them and now I'm doing more traditional subjects, interior work mostly, but always the Oak comes first, not the machinery! I'm also very particular about the provenence of my Oak supplies, there's alot of red oak and cheap eastern european Oak being passed off as regional oak.

I don't mill my own Oak, I use Dominic who has an extraordianary mobile setup and a lovely affinity with the tree also, his sawing tequniques are not truly quarter sawing but not far off, he understands the tensions and compressions going on in big section.

Dehumid is my thing, minimum 6 months air dry for 30mm stock then into the chamber.

Cheers, Chris

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Cool stuff Chris


I also run a mobile saw mill - Lucas mill

And also dehumidify, its the only way to go as it reduces degrade and gets good colour, except if you can afford vacuum/thermal, which I'm saving up for. I've been sawing wild Irish Oak for the past 8 years. Its full of nasty tension and stuff but a delight once its dry and polishable. Hard like something.. full 5 points harder than English grown equivalent.

I've also got some rather nice Irish grown Black walnut and Elm, Pitch, not to mention all the African stuff. Love to chat some time I'll send you a PM with my email.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm blushing now xlb, thanks for the comments. It's ironic that living in a well forested area the availability of sustainable Oak dried gently and to appropriate moisture contents is very hard to find. There's alot of imported Eastern European oak being passed off as regional timber by merchants who care more about the money they make than the local economy.

Good luck with the machines xlb, they scare the hell out of me!


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[quote]Thanks all for your replies, my confidence has been bolstered as a result of these replies to the point where I have journeyed to the Uk and bought a number of professional woodworking machines. I vi...[/quote]

hi did you find these machine cheaper in the uk than france??

I need to buy a new saw myself somthing like http://www.rutlands.co.uk/cgi-bin/psProdDet.cgi/TS4010CI1||||user

but it seems pointless if they are somewhere near the same price believe this firm who are german have bought out kity {french}

Interested in your re-ply


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