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Tiling costs


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What price do people expect to pay for tiling (the laying of, not the actual tiles) per square metre?  We've just been quoted 54 euro per square metre which seems very high to me. Although we're getting some more quotes, it would be useful to have a view from others based on what they've paid recently.  We're near Narbonne (11).



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A general "standard" cost in the uk is £20-£25 per sq. m., so I wouldn't expect to pay much more than that. Costs will, however, vary - depending on size of tile (eg. big 'uns are quicker to lay, and need less grouting), and type of tile. (eg. handmades and mosaics can be b*****s to cut). Also the quantity to be laid will have an influence on price - if it's only a few metres, you will pay proportionally more.

Hope this helps

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Thanks for that  -  the quote we have is for 55 square metres in total. Approx. 45 of that are for floor tiles and the rest are for kitchen and bathroom tiles all of which are on the horizontal.

Anyone got any prices for within France  -  on the basis 54 eruos per sqm seem expensive to the UK surely we're being quoted over the odds.....



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The price that you have been quoted is fairly high - which probably means that the tiler is not really interested in doing the job.

As per your other reply a lot also depends on the type of tiles, ease of cutting, etc.

You will also find that with cheap quotes the tiler will be using cheap materials - you should specify quality adhesives and joints from Weber et Broutin or Lanko.

Assuming that your property is more than two years old, you will also benefit from the lower rate of 5.5% TVA if your tiler supplies the tiles and does the work - rather than the 19.6% TVA you will spend on the tiles yourself.


Bob Clarke

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like bob says

The price that you have been quoted is fairly high - which probably means that the tiler is not really interested in doing the job

        when I do jobs in the uk that are yuk I somtimes put in a silly quote ie do not realy want the job, if they accept ok


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We've just paid (although against a devis provided 12 months ago) 23.20 € per sq metre plus 5.5 % TVA (northern Lot et Garonne).

One additional relevant factor will be the amount of effort required to make the sub surface ready for tiling, i.e. if you have a nice clean concrete base on which to work, it will be much cheaper than if your contractor has to make good the sub floor first.

Hope this helps. 


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Thanks gib23  -  very useful.  The tiles in questions are going either onto clean walls, or a floor which is currently tileed and not in bad condition but where the previous choice wasn't great in design terms.... We're were just looking to tile straight over as we have done before elsewhere.

That said, we've recently taken a look at laminate flooring which at under 6 euros a square metre and something we feel happy laying ourselves is looking an odds on bet right now. I had no idea you could get it so cheap if it's just for standard household (or in our case letting appartment) usage.

Thanks again.


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Hi Richard

A word of warning, laminate can get very tatty very quickly. I had very good quality laminate laid in a large area in the UK and after 2 years I would not have been happy living with it for much longer. I also had Pergo laid (the original laminate flooring) and again it would scratch and there was nothing you could do. For a cheap floor, how about pine boards - if they get damaged you can sand the marks out.

Tiles are something I would never use on worksurfaces again. I have seen rock hard tiles damaged and grout really grotty after just a week of nasty bad use. I have also seen places where they use black or dark gray grout on kitchen worksurfaces, looked like it had the lurgy.

Sorry I am so negative but just personal experience.

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Hi Di  -  like you we also wouldn't use tiles on a work surface and do choose our grout very carefully for wall tiles at the back of the work surface due as you say, to dirt.

As for the floor though, for 270 euros and the chance to learn a new skill on something which really is going to get very little traffic in comparison to a home, and certainly to a work place we'll have a goo with the laminate.  You may have been unlucky, certainly I know floors at friends house which are laminate and still going strong and showing no signs of wear 2 or 3 years on (although I'm going to double check now....).

Thanks for your input.


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We just got finished putting in our own tile in the family room, kitchen, hallways and bathrooms of our house. We were quoted at about US$50 per square meter and didn't like the idea of paying so much money... so we hired someone to teach us how to do it and make the difficult cuts, and we were off.

It looks very nice now, but it was physically very difficult work. My knees, arms, back, and stomach muscles ached terribly after the first couple of days. I don't know how my Dad did it! (We were primarily the ones working on it.)

In any case, perhaps people charge more here in the States than in Europe... but either way we decided that next time it will be worth it to pay someone to do the labor if it saves us the pain!
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