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sand/gravel in large bags


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Does any one know if and where I can get sand and gravel delivered in large bags, rather than by the lorry load?

My local Gamm Vert will only consider delivering a lorry load (6 tonnes) but I only need about 1 tonne of each... and they will charge 50€ although it's only 2km away!

Point P will deliver a set quantity, (the delivery charge is almost as much as the cost of the goods) but again, it's off the back of a lorry, so dumped on the ground rather than contained.

Any suggestion gratefully received.

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The local norm is to collect by trailer load of either a half or a full cubic metre. You then offload onto either a tarpaulin or a mixing base. If you can source bags in UK, French local yard may allow you to fill bags, but you are still faced with getting bag onto trailer.

If you borrow a trailer locally 500 kilos is likely to be the maximum legal weight for contents.  It might be worth adding a note of roughly where you are in France as somebody may have a suitable trailer locally or a yard with more helpful delivery arrangements.

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If you are doing more than a teeny bit of work, a trailer is a good investment. Buy it France, they're cheaper, more solid, and galvanised. Mine will take half a boite (half a cubic metre) of sand, or 28 standard concrete blocks, or an awful lot of stuff to the tip. We keep it over there, it's not worth the expense bringing it back and forwards.



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Hello again and thanks for the helpful comments.

I have discussed my needs with a more helpful Point P chappy who said they would be able to deliver 1 cubic metre each of sand and gravel together (in the same lorry) but not together (not mixed!)... The delivery charge is still around the 50€ mark but this is progress!

I have noticed that Chausson (well implanted in the south west) are showing "Big Bag" sand containing 1 cubic metre, in their "Guide 2004". That's about 1.5 to 1.8 tonnes, according to the sand type... I will follow this up and report!

By the by, the helpful Point P chappie said they did get requests for bags of sand and gravel, but were not equipped to handle them YET.

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And you're where?

The South-West of France (which I gather is where you are) is about as big as England!! Have a heart.

I'm near Agentat, and the simplest way is to go to Flammary and ask them. But Farges isn't bad either. What I do in fact is to go down to Farge's quarry and load it myself. Costs about €2 per trailer load.

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I actually believe that these are called 'big bags'. I don't know how much they hold, but it looks a lot to this uneducated eye.


Also, why do you think this is expensive. We used to pay 400ff for a tonne of each including delivery and will likely be paying more next time we need it, (which will be quite soon). I never thought that that was out of the way even though the quarry is less than 2kms away. Someone after all has to load it into a wagon and deliver it.

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Reply to cover both messages:

I live near St Céré.

I do not have a trailer.

I have been offered a trailer to hire by Point P, but my car does not have the means to trail...!

I think that charging 50€ + VAT for a 2km trip (or 4km for a return journey)is expensive, when Point P is charging the same amount for 30km (or 60km for a return journey).

I am not querying the cost of the sand/gravel, rather the lack of flexibility: the loading and delivery costs remain the same whether the lorry is full or half-full! I even offered to pay extra for the inconvenience of a smaller load, but no...
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Hi Clair

Thanks for clarifying. Not too far from us, in fact. Flammary have a depot between Biars and Beaulieu just before the new boiled sweet factory on the left as you go towards Beaulieu. Your best bet, it seems to me is to see if you can get one of your neighbours to help out. In this area almost everyone has towing hooks and a trailer, I'd strongly recommend you do the same. I know at least half a dozen people within 5 miles of St Céré with trucks tractors and trailers etc. And I live between Argentat and Tulle.

As for the delivery price. They hold the cards, Any idea how much it costs to buy, maintain and run a truck? What they pay for a driver, etc? I agree it would stick in MY gullet to pay that. But then, I never have! That's why I paid gladly to have a tow hook fitted.

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We bought our sand and gravel in 1 ton bags from M.Bricolage in Parthenay. You could look on Pages Jaunes to see if there is a M.Bricolage near to you. They charged 35 euros to deliver to us and we are around half an hour away from them.

Hope this helps.


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