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Contract with French builder


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Despite agreeing the devis/estimate for roofing work on my French property a year ago, the French builder has not yet begun the work.

What is the legal position - can I seek another builder to do the work or am I obliged to wait for the one I am contracted to. Unfortunately I did not stipulate a completion date when I signed the devis.

What are my options?

Advise please


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Hi Sabina

We asked a French builder to do some work for us about 18 months ago.He came,looked at the work,sort of nodded,took a copy of the Architects plans and drove off.

Thats the last contact we have had with him. No Devis has been received yet nor a possible commencement date.Sent him numerous letters,no reply. We were about to give him up as a bad job and look elsewhere when somebody told us "whatever you do dont contact another Builder,word will get through on the grapevine ,  nobody wants to take another builders job and you will get blacklisted and wont get the work done at all". This may or may not be true but I dont want to take the chance and am sticking with my original builder,for all his faults.

We had some other work done by him and know his work anyway,and were not in a great hurry to get the work done.

I know this posting is probably not of great help to you but its something to think about.

Anybody else heard of this blacklisting thing ?


John & Sue (50)


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Hi Choochoo,

Competitive quotes are perfectly well understood here. That said, if there's a good builder who can do the job on time, dans le coin, and you take a non local man because he's a few sous cheaper, it might be a bit mal vu,but not to the point of black listing. However, if you make a point of taking a foreigner, without giving the local man a chance to make a quote, or worse, invite a team in from abroad, you may well find that no one locally will want to quote for you.

That's how it works here, anyway.

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Choo-choo.......I'd have said that your guy, the one who hasn't even bothered to quote, wouldn't have a leg to stand on, whether he wanted to blacklist you or not.

If you've ACCEPTED a devis, though, that's a different matter..........however, I'd say 6 months was a reasonable time for the work to be at least started, unless sooner, (or later), was specified when the devis was accepted.

I'd be inclined to ask for a meet, and try and put it to him, politely, of course, that you want the work done, and if he can't specify when, you'll look elsewhere. He's had plenty of time, after all.


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I've no idea what it means to 'accept' a devis. But basically if you haven't paid a deposit and it's been several months without contact, then I'd fax/email/phone and say 'if you can't give me an immediate start date, then forget it.'

Different, of course, if you've paid a deposit.

For what it's worth I've asked for quotes for work and in the event of a no-show appointment I've put the work elsewhere. On one occasion I had the original builder phone and try to arrange another appointment. I said, dreadfully sorry, but the work is being done by someone else. No problems, and it was done, cheaper, quicker and of acceptable quality.

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[quote]I've no idea what it means to 'accept' a devis. But basically if you haven't paid a deposit and it's been several months without contact, then I'd fax/email/phone and say 'if you can't give me an imme...[/quote]

Agreeing/accepting a devis is done by writing the words 'Bon Accord' plus signature on the devis.

I don't want to get blacklisted by this particular builder as he is the only one in the village and has done satisfactory work for me in the past.

I shall have to write again and beg!


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I guess that as you intend to try "a begging letter" that you are an absentee renovator. IMHO the more personal touch of a phone call or better still cornering the builder in the bread shop would get a quicker response. Out of sight = out of mind ? And face to face your desperation is easier to see.



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[quote]Sabina I guess that as you intend to try "a begging letter" that you are an absentee renovator. IMHO the more personal touch of a phone call or better still cornering the builder in the bread shop wo...[/quote]

You're right John, I'm here in England until May.

I agree that face to face or telephone may be most effective but must confess my French is not up to it - M.Macon has a very strong local accent which defeats me!

Have decided to visit him/his wife at home in May if my letter gets no response. I know I must be more assertive!

A friend said that French workmen don't respect/appreciate negotiating with females. What do others think about this.


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Pure rubbish. I deal with outside contractors and materials suppliers regularly and have never had anything but courtesy and good manners from all. If you put yourself across as a weak-kneed nervous female and accept any old whaffle I could understand it,but this is France and you need to be on equal terms mentally where men are concerned and they respect you for it even if their own womenfolk don't do it.
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[quote]Pure rubbish. I deal with outside contractors and materials suppliers regularly and have never had anything but courtesy and good manners from all. If you put yourself across as a weak-kneed nervous f...[/quote]


Are you suggesting that French women are not assertive?

That has not been my experience. The Madames in my village are the ones who wear the trousers - this is acknowledged by some of the men who refer to their wives as 'le chef'.




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