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EDF bill why so low?


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We are in the process of renovating a large barn.  We had the electricity connected in June last year.  The first bill we recieved after connection charges was for 170 euros (on a works tarrif). We only ran the fridge, freezer  the caravan lights and a couple of fans during the summer.  In October we changed to a domestic tarrif because we 'moved in'.  During the long winter months we ran 2 convecter heaters constantly the Dish washer, washing machine fridge, freezer and oven everyday and the usual TV and computer etc We only have 3 lights in the entire property and also the 2 lights in the caravan so I was expecting a hefty bill when It arrived it was for 20 euros.  Any ideas why? and If I'm now about to receive a massive bill any guesstimates on how massive?
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I think you're right MM, I realised this as no one came to read the meter as far as I'm aware. How are estimates calculated?? It can't be very accurate though can it I mean surely no one in France uses that little electricity in Winter??

Coco If its right Im keeping it and certainly wont be complaining!!!

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They usually base estimates on previous consumption so, if it was an uninhabited barn, then 20 euros is probably right!

I should write to EDF with your meter reading otherwise expect a hefty bill when they next read the meter. If you miss them then, they'll leave a card.

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Have just dug out a previous bill of ours that was an estimate.  The thing to look for is under the entry:-

"montant prélevé le --/--/2005        20,00 € TTC"

it reads:-

"Cette facture intermédiare est basée sur une estimation de votre comsommation"

Alternatively, if based on an actual reading it would read

"Cette facture est basée sur le relevé de votre consommation."

Hope this is useful.





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