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Artisan Anglais is part of WizzWoo not Archant!

Limousin Expat

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"Please do some more research and do not part with any money to any of the "companies" on the Artisan-Anglais website. It is part of Archant and there are no checks as to the legality of companies advertising there. Archant are happy to accept advertising from any company regardless of their status."

The chap who said this talking nonsense - Artisan Anglais ask people going onto their website whether they are registered and all state that they are if they are - it is then down to the public to use the Siret check on the site and check for themselves. Archant is nothing to do with Artisan Anglais, it's part of WizzWoo who offer web-hosting and website design as well. Please check your facts before you slag off a perfectly good site trying hard to get it right.



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