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Hello,can anyone tell me what is the name of the ready mixed sand/cement/colouring that you can buy in france to repoint between granite stones on the EXTERIOR of a house,it is not called enduit is it ?

Many Thanks Andrew & Jackie
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Hi ... Enduit is plaster for filling the tape joints on plasterboard...

Use sand , white cement and lime..... always get the mix exact or there will be colour changes all over the wall.....

Use half bucker of white cement..half bucket of lime.. and three buckets of sand.. keep to the same mix. So half/ half and three.

make sure you get enough sand in one delivery as different deliveries change colour too..

Hope this helps

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[quote]Hello,can anyone tell me what is the name of the ready mixed sand/cement/colouring that you can buy in france to repoint between granite stones on the EXTERIOR of a house,it is not called enduit is it...[/quote]

Here in the Lot I use terralit G. This gaves a constant colour, and is easily available. Obtain "Le Guide Weber" this gives all manner of building goodies.



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"Hi ... Enduit is plaster for filling the tape joints on plasterboard..."

Enduit covers a wide range of products - for jointing plasterboard - Enduit a Joint.

I have no experience of pointing granite as we do not have it in our area of France, but I would suspect that it requires a particular mixture with regard to colour and finish. Certainly the ratio of materials and water would need to be constant. Probably far better to go for a commercial product.

"Here in the Lot I use terralit G. This gaves a constant colour, and is easily available. Obtain "Le Guide Weber" this gives all manner of building goodies."

Good advice - with the huge choice of colours there will be one to suit granite.

Take a sample of your stone along to a good builders merchants in your area that stocks Weber et Broutin products. You will probably find that they are happy to help with advice.

As JOHND has said the W et B Le Guide is well worth getting. It covers every possible tiling application together with many other building solutions - forget the brico sheds and go to professional suppliers - better advice and lower prices.


Bob Clarke


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