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Juge de tutelles

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Just made an offer that got accepted on a little piece of France.

Seller needs approval from the Juge de Tutelles, because part is owned by a person under guardian.

Does anybody know how long this process will normally take?

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We had a similar issue when we bought our house. The whole process from signing Compromis de vente through to signing took 6 months, but (and it is a big but) we also had an open issue about a right of way across the property - sellers said no right of way but a neighbour was contesting this in the courts. This slowed things down greatly, so I would say that the Juge de Tutelles delay should be significantly below the 6 months we underwent.

Sorry to not be precise but at last it gives you a worse case view.
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Quite a lot about it on here, even if you sign a compromis with a clause suspensive, it says that it is not valid.

I suppose it will depend on what the juge says about this, won't it and if the family is in agreement.

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I have a Tutelle for my disabled daughter which gives me power of attorney over her finances, etc.

I presume a person under Tutelle would not be able to make an informed decision, so the person with the Tutelle would perhaps have to speak to the Judge before a decision could be made regarding property.

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Thanks everybody.

I was already counting on 6 months (worst case).

Fingers crossed we get it done before the holiday season.

No compromis is signed yet, cause it would not be valid without the approval from the Juge.

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