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Escalating architect costs


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Renovations on our house are now over 6 months behind schedule due to builders who are only prepared to work a few days at a time and then go off to another property. At the time we thought that it would be  a good idea to let our architect to do the project managing but the costs because of the delays are getting out of control. We bought the house three years ago and the amount of work to do was not massive. The architect's fees have trebled from his original estimate and this is mainly down to telephone calls, e mails and letter writing to the artisans. Does anyone have any advice on what we could do to speed up the completion without it costing us a fortune?

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Is he just an architect or is he a maitre d'oevre?    We employed a joint architect/maitre d'oevre to draw up our plans and implement everything.  He took a percentage of the various artisans' fees but didn't charge per letter or for his time.  Even so, I had to go in every week or so and stamp and wave my fist and burst into tears and threaten.....

I would go and see your bloke and have a thorough chat.  Take someone fluent in French if you need to - it is worth it just to make sure you are on the same wavelength.  And get your requirements agreed or find someone else.

Sorry not to be more helpful

Chrissie (81)

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