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Nantes to La Rochelle - Information on the area very welcome

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My Partner and I have just returned from Brittany, where we explored the area from Etel to La Roche Bernard. We are already planning our next trip to France, for early next year. The final area we need to explore before deciding on where to buy will be the area from Nantes to La Rochelle. We plan to look at the coastal areas and many of the villages and small towns up to 30 minutes drive from the sea. Last year we explored Ile de Re and the Gironde, we have just returned from Morbihan, and once this final area has been explored it will be the time to identify the area we would like to settle in and start looking in earnest for a property. We would greatly appreciate any help and information from anyone who has already settled in this area, or knows it very well.

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Hi Angela,

Many thanks for sending the link. I have just had a quick look and there looks to be lots of topics worth a more detailed look. I would love to spend the morning browsing, but unfortunately I have to start work :( I will be back this evening. Once again many thanks for replying.

Best Wishes,


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Angela very modestly did not mention her book, the Vendee, if you are serious about this area its well worth buying. We have a home there and still use it as do guests.

 We had been looking to buy in France for some years and whilst we had a list of requirements we were uncertain of the exact location we wanted. 

 To be honest on one house hunting expedition we went to the Vendee to exclude it as much as anything and surprise surprise we ticked every box and more besides. I guess everyone on the forum has different requirements we are very happy with our decision.

I'd be happy to comment  on any specific questions if you email me.


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Hi John,


Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my request. I am definitely very serious about obtaining as much information on the area as I can get ahead of our trip early next year. As already mentioned, we have just returned from Morbihan where we found that whilst many locations were desirable, the cost of housing was quite expensive. Last year we looked at the Bordeaux and Gironde regions. We also spent a couple of days on Ile de Re. My partner knows a little of the Vendee area having visited in the past, but this will be my first visit and I want to be well prepared.


Our next move is likely to be permanent and not as a second home so our choice of area is very important.


Like you we have been looking to buy for some time and yes we have a list of requirements and also like you we are uncertain of the exact location although I hope this will be our last visit before making a decision on location so we can commence searching for a property.


In brief, we want to be located as close as we can afford to the coast – no more than an hour maximum preferably less than 30 minutes.


Having had a look at Angela’s site I agree with you I think her book is a must buy.


To be honest I have lots of questions, but one that is very important is the climate, how hot does it get in the summer? How long does the ‘nice’ weather last? (We found last week that people were still sunbathing on the beach!) How cold does it get in the winter? Climate would be a great place to start.


Many thanks,



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[quote user="Pauline"]


be honest I have lots of questions, but one that is very important is

the climate, how hot does it get in the summer? How long does the

‘nice’ weather last? (We found last week that people were still

sunbathing on the beach!) How cold does it get in the winter? Climate

would be a great place to start.


Climate...second highest number of sunshine hours in France (the Côte

d'Azur has about 150 hours more per year) - you will see this stat

quoted for an area that extends from Bordeaux to Nantes and as about as

far inland as Poitiers. Do not believe it: the figures refer to a

highly localised area around La Rochelle (about 35 mile radius) and no

more. Nonetheless, the whole Vendée is very sunny.

Rainfall... a bit more than Manchester, but delivered in 90 days rather than the 190 days.

The wind can be an issue, but really only during the winter.

Winter tends to be mild - more so than is general in France, but we get the odd day down to -12.

I think it's a great place. But I would say that.

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Hi Pauline,


The Vendee was our #1 area - but we ended up buying just over the border into Deux Sevres - and we're more than happy with our decision - we're about an hour from la Rochelle - so a bit further inland than you're wanting - but we found this distance still gave us easy access to the wonderful coastline - but also rolling hills and great countryside. WE're also off the tourist track - so no over crowding in the summer.

Its a wondwrful area so good luck with your next trip.....


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I must be pretty near to you ejc: 6km up the Bressuire road from La Chataigneraie, just in Vendée by the skin of my teeth.  I'd much rather be here inland amid the rolling countryside you describe than on the coast, some of which is a bit soulless, but we all like different things, of course.
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