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help with beams - brantome area


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not sure if this is the right place to post this but... here goes...

we're renovating the cottage which adjoins the main house here (very close to brantome) ourselves and were wondering if anyone local fancies a day of reasonably intensive labour in return for similar(ish) help being offered?

we've got to cut down and shift six or seven lengthy and heavy oak beams (that curently support the attic / grenier floor) which we're taking out...

its not rocket-science - just a pretty simple job but... these beams are darned heavy so... if anyone feels strong and would like an extra pair of hands in return... please let us know.

we're aiming to do this either last week june or, possibly, end of the first week of july.


neil - la chapelle faucher, brantome (24)


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