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Garage magic


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We are changing the garage that currnetly occupies about 50 sqaure metres of the ground floor into three rooms. We have the permission to change the garage doors at the fornt of the house into nice french doors but do we also need permission for the change of useage within the house or is it just an additional tax issue for the impots folks ?
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This is a change of use and because of that you need to submit a full Permis de Constuire along with detailed plans of the project, photos and the completed forms. From your paperwork, the impôts will be informed and will increase your Taxe d'habitation accordingly to take in the new increase in living space. You also will not be able to take advantage of the lower rate of TVA on this project either so you need to be wary of that. Permission usually takes about two months to come through although with the holidays near it could be longer.
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Ta for that.....somehow that doesn't surprise me.

Do the drawings need to be full architectural or can I just use the scale designs that I have put together on the PC. Apart from the door the work is really only a floor and a few stud walls.

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