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expired CU


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seemed only yesterday we bought our house now time has flown and I've let the CU lapse, my own fault! Its probably lapsed by only about a month. Has anyone else had this situation and were you able to extend the CU by the usual year or did you have to start from scratch (is what i'll be doing to my head no doubt!)..does anyone have any idea what the latter situation would involve when we bought each of our houses the immobilier applied for the CU so i dont know how it works?

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Sorry, but you should have applied for an extension, at least two months before the expiry date. It looks as if you will have to reapply.

The CU is granted for one year, and can be renewed for a further year (subject to applying in writing within the above time scale).

To reapply, you need to contact your mairie. You can download the form, CERFA 12107, from http://www.equipement.gouv.fr (go to 'se documenter', then 'formulaires', then 'renseignement d'urbanisme').


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We were in the same position but luckily our architect managed to ring up the local Maire and we gained an extension. Would be worth speaking to them or at least sending a note , maybe suggesting that you had difficultys finding an architect or builder.

Good Luck

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