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Hi could anyone give me some idea as to cost of replacing fosse septique on a 3 bed property near Ruffec please? our agent said it wont be any more than 3000 euros but I'm sure I have seen talk of 7000 on previous postings but I cant find them 
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The best thing is to contact a builder and get a devis, he/she may even give you a rough estimate. A lot depends on the area, the size of the fosse, distance from the property, the number of inlets etc   3000€ seems OK for a straight forward installation of a 3000 litre fosse, but others may have had other experiences which will count for nothing as your installation may be totally different from theirs
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3 grand is about right for a 3,000 litre fosse with a simple trench epandage but beware. Estate agents have an annoying habit of picking these figures out of thin air. If you've got to pump things uphill or if the epandage is within 100m of a well or spring or if your soil is not perfect then things can get horribly expensive.

Getting a devis from a builder is not a complete answer as they can be and often are corrected by the drainage authorities.

Assume that it is going to cost you 10,000 and base your offering price accordingly. If it turns out to cost a lot less then you will have a rather nice "present".

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