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Devis status


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To do the work. You don't say how long ago you paid up and to be honest,I don't know many builders/artisans who take that amount upfront without at least starting the job or ordering specialist materials, this is the funny season now whereby the holidays kick in and no one really gets going again until September. Give the bloke a call and see what he's playing at.
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[quote]To do the work. You don't say how long ago you paid up and to be honest,I don't know many builders/artisans who take that amount upfront without at least starting the job or ordering specialist materi...[/quote]

We have had a devis of an entrepreneur (for fosse) but we only signed. So is it legally binding for both of us?  He is very busy, so if he just never comes, could we get somebody else to do it? Thank you.  

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The customer signs, the artisan's signature is implicit in his issuing the quote.

Did you impose any time limit when you discussed the project or when you signed? If you didn't you could be into agreeing what constitutes a reasonable delay if you want to cancel.

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[quote]The customer signs, the artisan's signature is implicit in his issuing the quote. Did you impose any time limit when you discussed the project or when you signed? If you didn't you could be into agre...[/quote]

No we did not talk about a time limit. What would be deemed a reasonable delay in any building work?
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If you have signed the devis you now have a contract with the builder. The devis will be valid for a stated period. Starting dates should have been discussed before signature. However if he has now told you that he cannot start for a long time and remember as Val has said nothing happens in August, go back to the builder and discuss it with him.

If you are trying to cancel because you have got a better offer or schedule from another source, think carefully before you cancel the devis as you may find that you will have a very big problem getting work done by other local artisans when the word gets around.
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quick tip - if you are resident in France and therefore the devis is not for a holiday home then make sure the builder realises this. We were originally quoted November for the new roof, but when the builder realised we were resident we got bumped up the queue and now he can do it at the start of September!

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[quote]quick tip - if you are resident in France and therefore the devis is not for a holiday home then make sure the builder realises this. We were originally quoted November for the new roof, but when the ...[/quote]

Thank you for your answers. At the moment the question was theoretical as we have one big problem to overcome first: The builders who have to do the extension and renovation of the barn have not even started yet and we were promised a start by the Maitre d'oeuvre back in April (with several more start dates during the summer which never realized).

We will only use it as a holiday home, so hoverfrog you are probably right, the delay has something to do with that. I was just thinking ahead: come next April, the building might just reach its completion and we will have to wait another six month for the fosse and we will not be in for ages!!!

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Quote from Monika

+ ...we were promised a start by the Maitre d'oeuvre back in April (with several more start dates during the summer which never realized). +

Did you get any of these dates in writing? If so, you're got something to beat them around the head with. If you didn't get the start date in writing, get another date - even if it is verbal - and then write to them confirming the verbal date. Send the letter registered mail (I think it is - in France - recommande avec avis) and the avis bit is a receipt, signed by the recipient, which is returned to you. So you know the company has received your letter the date of delivery - and the artisan knows you know this too! It appears that companies take this as an indication you're now serious about getting the work done and commit to the date. This is the route we've taken to getting work progressed over the past 3 months and it has worked for us.

Although it seems an insanely difficult thing to demand upfront, I cannot over-recommend getting a finish date set in writing or handwritten and initialled by the artisan on the devis. Start dates are nice but are almost irrelevant - if 3 days work is fitted in over 6 months. Get a finish date in writing - which will (usually!) be met.
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Catalpa: Thank you for these very useful tips. I will also tell this to the Maitre d'oeuvre who is English and who is trying hard to get the Artisans on site. This might just do the trick! Also I think it it a good idea to write a finish date into the devis, which we unfortunaltely did not.
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Sorry Catalpa I did not answer your question. We have had the dates per e-mail but by the Maitre d'oeuvre who I think is trying hard on our behalf and I suppose he has his hands tied with a devis from an artisan who has given no dates.
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I have exactly the same problem, but with an added dimension which is starting to feel a bit scary. That is, none of the 3 phone numbers are available at the moment for my Maitre D. They have promised me a schedule of dates by email, but this has not materialised. I dod wonder if it might be the same company? Would you care to PM me with their name?


I am starting to have a horrible feeling that I'm not going to see the 40% I paid up front in April again. Can anyone advice me on what recourse I now have?



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[quote]Monika, I have exactly the same problem, but with an added dimension which is starting to feel a bit scary. That is, none of the 3 phone numbers are available at the moment for my Maitre D. They have...[/quote]

Liz, I know how you feel! In the mean time "they have started" hooray!! (and in August: they are working until the end of this week and then go on holiday until the 29th August) 

The Maitre d'oeuvre has sent us 7 pictures to prove it and it is suprising how much they have done just in  a few days. We have always been able to ring our Maitre d'oeuvre and he also kept in contact by e-mail and telephone and he has been available for us to have a good moan. He himself was on "tenter hooks" as he has to rely on these artisans whom he never employed before because we are in 61 and he is in 35.   Lets hope you have good news soon. I am sure it will work out OK.

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